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Going from the Red Sea to Sinai and from the #resurrection to #PENTECOST is going from Glory to Glory. This is about #israel and the Disciple’s fifty days of lessons 1500 years apart, and it prepared them for the Glory!

Israel asked, “What is it?” It represents all the goodness the Father ever wanted to give to His people. Manna - food from heaven! “But man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.”
“And these words appeared as insanity in their eyes and they did not believe them.” This was the typical response after the resurrection. His aim is for us to not lean on our own understanding. He is waiting for us to be finished with our own way. Get ready for the mighty works of #god that will be new every morning just waiting for us to gather together.

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Image credit: Master of the Gathering of the Manna (fl. 1460 – 1480 ) by Jacob Clementsz

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