Hi Everybody

Create in me a clean heart, O God,

and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from Your presence,

and take not Your Holy Spirit from me.

King David repenting of his sin towards God

over Uriah in Psalm 51:10-11

"Therefore I say to you,

every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men,

but the blasphemy against the Spirit

will not be forgiven men.

Anyone who speaks a word

against the Son of Man,

it will be forgiven him;

but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit,

it will not be forgiven him,

either in this age

or in the age to come."

Jesus speaking in Matthew 12:31,32

David had committed grievous sin

but he was still in love with the Holy Spirit.

God Bless and Go You Bless,
Janet and John
Please send on to others if you would like to do it.

Arke Ministries Fellowship Australia

Our vision is to preach the salvation of God that is found in Jesus Christ our Lord to the ends of the earth.
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