If you put all the pieces together, analyze the real and fake news ....... the severe crisis at the border, the senile fake Resident in the White House, the election fraud which is now being exposed bit by bit, because it cannot be denied any longer. the sell out to the Chinese and Globalists, the fake Plandemic which used a relatively harmless virus and locked down the whole planet, the killer vaccines, the pedophile pandemic which is real, the perverted Resident's son who is now making millions with lies and calls his crimes Beautiful, the fake lying media, the disregard for and the planned abolishement of the Constitution, the glorification of perverted and abnormal behavior.......a long but not exhaustive list, which demonstrated the disintegration of a great Nation, which has been infiltrated by traitors and Globalist forces.
It is hard to keep up with all the news, and to contain the anger which wells up in response to the outrage perpetrated by Democrats and their shills and handlers. I have been posting news for years, was censored and finally deleted from Facebook, Twitter and then Pintrest, and consider this a service and ministry. At times there is relatively little to post, but at other times, like today, my feed is overwhelmed with news. Please share everything, and I share what I see from others. We have been censored from every major platform, and the reasons are obvious. In order for your lies to be plausible, you have to eliminate the access to the truth, which is always a tactic of emerging tyrants.
I still believe President Trump will return for a time, but then the end will come and America, as so many great Nations and Civilizations will disappear and be replaces by a globalist tyranny, which will culminate in thew near destruction of the planet, were it not for God to step in, and Jesus establishing his thousand year reign on earth. The purpose of this is to proof that even with a physical reign of the King of the Universe, man succumbs to sin in his natural state. Until God establishes His Eternal Kingdom, there will be no lasting peace. The New heaven and the New Earth will give us what we long for, at least those who are in Christ Jesus.

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