It is A good point, that mohamad claimed in the koran to have went and prayed at the furthest mosque. But islam and mohamad, in his time had not spread into Israel yet, nor out of saudi arabia.
But no facts will pierce the tremendous ingroup preferences of the muslims. Loyalty to islam, is literally of greater importance than truth, morality, or justice to the average muslim.
It is A blessing from G-d's design that there are many people in this world who are impervious to reason, logic, morality and truth. It requires us to speak to one another about them in disparaging ways, and requires us to reach that point of knowing who we are, and how we must behave towards people on lower levels of morality and intelligence.
It is A horrifying reality to the women and the leftists, but to those of us who have been trying to get people to listen and care our entire lives, it is A pleasure to see that by design the murder rate will skyrocket, and all conversation will turn to the security/race relations situation.
If the Jewish people are not explained why they must stand up for themselves, and answer the muslims and the gentiles violence with greater violence, and truth, then the situation will not be resolved, and the violence and the escalation will continue.
Only when the Jews know who they are, and know who the gentiles are, will they act appropriately to maximize the reduction of the violence directed at Jews, and confront escalating anger based on inequality before it becomes necessary to harm to many people.
The arab muslim despises the truth about his place in the world, he does not want to hear it, he and most of his people would rather listen to lies that say they will conquer the world through deception and violence. Ruthlessness and terrifying cruelty. To reestablish truth the Jewish people will need A pretense like seeking justice for the Temple on the mount. The white gentiles cannot rationally deny that they have never supported muslims being punished for their actions against other races and peoples. The Temple on the mount may be A pretense for some Jews, but for most of us it will be A real addressing of A past injustice.
At some point it will also be necessary to know that G-d is real, and only He justifies morality being fought for often, even if it requires personal sacrifice, even at times unto death.
First, we will need to take the baby steps of talking about the fact that islam is A very supremacist religion, that islam has oppressed millions of people, and the Jewish people were one of those people.
Muslims have done wrong, they will not admit it, and they need to be confronted based on those injustices, and informed that the Jewish people will not stand for their injustices, and we will restore justice for ourselves, since none is available among the gentiles.
This will help with the white gentile nations of the world, who are afraid to confront Islam on any injustice that they commit, regardless of how unjust, brutal, or in contradiction to western stated ideals. Jews will see more clearly, if they don’t already that western declarations about opposing racism against Jews are mostly hollow.
That does not describe all westerners, and there is some deception with pro Israel forces selling Israel weapons, while anti Israel forces frame and falsely accuse Israel of aggression and human rights violations.
But, Israelis can be explained that the old, white, male, often Jewish billionaires are only pretending to be leftist, that the system of government currently in place allows for representation to the self hating and self destructive leftist population in America and Israel, and it gives the believers, and the secular right wingers influence in society according to their population. At the top the truth is known, but the grand chessboard is divided, and the game commences until representation is canceled.
In the past it was assumed that representation would die when freedom of speech died, and the leftist forces overwhelmed the right wing forces. It does appear that leftist influence in America will overwhelm right wing influence. But the left and right in America do not appear to believe that the old white male billionaires are really left wing Satan worshipers.
This has consequences. Hopefully sufficient to cause the skipping over the part where the government pretends to be looking out for left wing support, and hunting down right wing racists. Forcing the billionaires to go directly to the point where they betray the left and lock everyone down, or even better just the left. Eventually they will have to support what is right and true, better it be sooner rather than later. In G-d I trust.

PA Arabs asked: Did you know there was a Jewish Temple under the Dome of the Rock? - Israel National News

PA Arabs asked: Did you know there was a Jewish Temple under the Dome of the Rock? - Israel National News

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