The current budget we have for covering operational costs to stay online is $284 per month (which is all fan-donated at this point), but costs are going up. JoshWho TV is in desperate need of funding in order to stay online, and we need our monthly fan donations to increase to $500 per month in order to stay online. The best way to donate to JoshWho TV is through the SeekingTheTruth tip jar page. On that page, you can choose whether you want to donate to JoshWho TV through PayPal, Cash App, StreamLabs, Patreon, or Subscribestar.

JoshWho TV is an open-source alt-tech alternative to YouTube with features and functions on par with YouTube, and we would like to continue to exist for you to use, so please help us stay online by making a monthly donation, whether it be 5 bucks, 10 bucks, 20 bucks, or whatever you want to give.

#joshwhotv #alttech #helpusstayonline #tipjar

#SeekingTheTruth Tip Jar

#SeekingTheTruth Tip Jar

Please Help Fan Fund My JoshWho Projects.
AWeber Smart Designer