"What we are witnessing is exactly the kind of tyranny our Founders feared. Their respect for free will and individual liberty was the guiding force that led them to declare our independence, create our Constitution and establish our Bill of Rights....Can you imagine Americans in the ’50s, ’60s or even ’70s tolerating lockdowns or mask mandates? The current crop of dictators would be laughed out of the public arena with ridiculous concepts like “critical race theory,” or “toxic masculinity” and ideas that “you can’t tell a baby’s gender at birth” or that it’s racist to require a photo ID to vote but fine to demand a “vaccine passport” to shop." --Karen Kataline


Op-Ed: Leftists Are Trying to Talk America Into Killing Herself - And It's Working

Op-Ed: Leftists Are Trying to Talk America Into Killing Herself - And It's Working

'We must tell those who are doing their best to goad us into killing ourselves that they are the sick ones.'
AWeber Smart Designer