768eeb4e9f3298 There is no more difficult task on the face of the earth than drawing a human portrait. This is because it requires an understanding of the individual, which can only be learned by watching, studying and interacting with them on a long-term basis. Many artists spend years honing their skills before they are able to produce an accurate portrait. For others it comes quickly and without warning, while for still others drawing portraits is more of an accidental hobby than something they pursue seriously. Regardless of the nature of the artist's interest in portraits, however, drawing faces is not an easy task.

Portrait drawing is an artistic ability that must be learned if one plans to achieve the best results. It is much like any other art form and requires practice to refine its skills. The only difference is that portraits are presented as finished works to clients or family members so it's vital to give your drawings meticulous attention. The style of your portrait determines the kind of person you appear to be, so this is something you need to take seriously if you want your portrait work to be admired by others. Portrait drawings are often used as gifts to loved ones, so if you want to give a lasting impression you have to think about the drawing's presentation.

Today there are many type of portrait drawing which includes charcoal portrait, pencil portrait , watercolor portrait etc. Carved portraits in stone or wood were very popular in times past and still exist. These portraits were of great importance in the Middle Ages and Renaissance when people did not know what a photograph was.
Portrait drawing is an essential part of the study of art and is used for academic and professional purposes and individuals interested in practising their artistic skill often draw portraits of friends, family members or famous people to enhance their skills. Many artists work in a variety of mediums to reflect the desired effect of the portrait and its subject. Although many beginners struggle to learn how to draw a portrait, it is not an easy thing to do from a technical standpoint. Drawing faces is very difficult because you need to choose a specific angle, measure specific proportions and make sure that facial features are rendered accurately. The only way you can learn how to do this is by practicing and studying your peers' work or by sitting in on workshops or classes where you can receive feedback from instructors.

When drawing faces it is important that you pay attention to the correct proportions and angles that will bring your subject's facial features into focus. It is also important that you pay attention to the direction of the hair. If you are missing something, you can always fix it by adding detail near or behind the original. The most common mistake that people make when drawing portraits is not paying attention to the true proportions of their subjects. This is because most people are used to seeing photographs where all features are very close-up and smaller in size so they think the features should be portrayed this way too. But when it comes to drawing portraits, this just isn't accurate. Ideally your images should have a good deal of distance between them and your subject so that your images will feel natural and not overdone.
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