Triggers, Trolls and Wolves in Sheep's Clothing   In upwards of 100,000 immigrants (aided by progressive groups and donors) are attempting to illegally enter the U.S. each month, illegal immigration costs taxpayers over $100 billion annually, non-citizens constitute nearly 25% of our entire prison population, and somehow leftist legislators only feel compelled to condemn any hint of objection, justifiable outrage, with their usual barrage of baseless accusations and stale epithets. Rather than dutifully declaring a national emergency to assist the overwhelmed security capabilities and civic resources of border states, these so-called public servants dine on chaos and smugly applaud the "bravery" of cultural arsonists desecrating the flag, dishonoring the Anthem and tarnishing any prominent vestige of national pride - the countless sacrifices made by centuries of our fallen brethren - to ultimately demand the removal of any "offensive" reference to America's founding heritage under the media-conjured banner of fighting "White Supremacy". In what deluded daydream does reducing loyal, law-abiding Americans to secondary citizens, incessantly labeling half the electorate as racist, sexist and homophobic, not constitute a clear and present danger to their lives, livelihoods and Constitutional liberties?   Equally disturbing if not entirely predictable, how does educating the public with these incontrovertible facts, unresolved realities, make one an accessory to neurotic, rogue killers when the liberal establishment gives almost no credence to fellow Americans slain, raped, abducted or robbed by immigrant fugitives and smuggled gang members in order to preserve the "scandalous" myth Homeland Security persecutes helpless women and children; individuals who are still subject to our naturalization statutes and asylum requirements? The deadliest attacks are not the blood-stained eulogies penned by salivating wolves for prime time ratings and party fundraising emails - heartbreaking tragedies which still pale in comparison to daily crime statistics, cancer deaths and common household accidents - but the continuous erosion of a nation's identity, economic vitality and willingness to confront corruption in all its enduring and nefarious forms.  Giving foreign criminals sanctuary and special privileges in the wake of dehumanizing ICE officials risking life and limb to protect our communities, including spurring acts of public retaliation after calling for their immediate eradication or incarceration, is the epitome of an orchestrated political insurrection; not that Deep State saboteurs hatching Russian fairy tales for wrongful prosecution stings need any reminder or incriminating memos. But yes, by all means, please lecture Trump "plantation owners" about who's literally inciting mass hostility with irresponsible rhetoric, a 24/7 syndicated parade of hate-filled propaganda, to conveniently camouflage their own treasonous actions with zero outcry or accountability from colluding Democrats. Or, if I may, is Antifa fighting imaginary fascism with real fascism, courageously concealing their true identity behind black masks and cowardly Gestapo tactics, so future generations of disgruntled dregs, Twitter anarchists and social misfits can assault anyone who dares offends their Marxist sensitivities and pardoned culture of violent entitlement? The "brown shirts" and "white hoods" of Democratic supremacy have a long, lurid history of color-coding hate, national elections, for the supposed benefit of humanity.    Being the pajama pitchfork brigade is largely a byproduct of the contrived anti-Trump hysteria tirelessly flooding every facet of America, perhaps the families of the mass murder victims in Dayton, Ohio should ask why Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have yet to be charged for scaring the huddled sheep into "resisting" the reported Aryan ghost of Adolf Hitler; a sadistic maniac who also loathed Jews, Christians, free speech and embraced state control over education and healthcare. The clamoring media is terrified of rational adults who simply recognize such heinous atrocities always require an actual perpetrator, not a sacrificial scapegoat for circling scavengers desperately searching for a shiny weapon to cripple a populist's re-election chances by any scurrilous means possible. Under no set of remotely plausible circumstances will the DNC "rigging" machine accept the President winning a second term.   Little Red Riding Hood aside, are "We the digestible People" expected to believe the steady diet of Presidential assassination fantasies echoing from the "me too" catacombs of Hollywood are just harmless parting gifts from the "love wins" humanitarians of homicidal entertainment? Rape, sex cults, drugs, and glorified death scenes always register in the fundraising coffers of liberal hypocrisy; endearing sentiments which clearly have no bearing on the lunatic lynch mob surrounding Mitch McConnell's home and aspiring to "just shoot the motherf#@cker" because killing political opponents with the "obsolete" ideal of self-defense is always on the vegan menu of the unhinged left. Is it too late to stop Climate Change and ban Right Wing hate by perusing our dying planet in more private jets and celebrity christened yachts in search of Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island? According to the commercial sponsors of Pride Month and human trafficking cartels, the Fourth of July is too long and our children's future is at stake. You don't say.  Funny how the same foaming mouthpieces painting President Trump as the genesis of all evil in a perilously-maladjusted and tone deaf world, fortuitously forget that mass shootings and terrorist attacks - Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Boston, San Diego, Orlando, Sandy Hook and New York to name but a few - jumped by over 400% respectively during Barack Obama's tenure. Naturally, his strong racial commentary, brash brand of social activism, were by no means lamented or implicated by the mainstream press, let alone the militant organizations of la Raza and Black Lives Matter, when cops were being assassinated in the line of duty for simply doing their job. Thank God no one in the appalled, hyper-vigilant press demanded a sitting President denounce racism and black supremacy due to Kodak moments with genocidal luminaries like Louis Farrakhan. Unlike opaque shower doors with no handicap access, obtuse selfies are clearly cheaper.  Those who view and judge everything according to race are, by definition and disposition, "racist".  The "Great Beguiler", who could elegantly deceive and cajole millions as unflinchingly as Donald Trump speaks unwelcome truths, was practically deified for his abrasive "social justice" bravado despite unapologetically fueling national unrest along racial, economic and religious lines, demonizing police inundated with an urban epidemic of criminals resisting arrest, and even triggering mass riots that resulted in loss of life and property after impetuously bypassing the pertinent details of the Michael Brown and Freddie Gray cases. No wonder his lovesick voters and globalist disciples have no recollection of the "inhumane" cages his administration built to separate children from their unvetted families, or profiting traffickers, until a legal determination of "asylum" could be made in accordance with our existing immigration laws; common sense necessities both parties once acknowledged and passed.  And yet those conscious trespassers wishing to return home on their own accord were still free to do so, as they are today, without any sensational tales of Nazi torture or inane accusations of a secret Republican Holocaust. Apparently, air conditioned detention centers with free medical care and hot food are the new concentration camps of millennial historians attempting to classify Christian conservatives as terrorist agents of hate speech for choosing the Bible over drag queen story time, salvation over soulless indoctrination, and the divine blessing of children, family, over extolling the "feminist" extravaganza of abortion.  Punishing ideological dissent, the crux of free will, is the infamous calling card of every depraved totalitarian regime in history; and now, modern progressivism. Thinking for yourself has become an unfathomable hate crime to biased educators and media puppets who believe it is their moral obligation to convince the masses Islam is peaceful, "white nationalism" the root of all suffering, success the inherited privilege of greed, and borders a racist conspiracy. No, the noxious sky isn't falling amid an unquenchable cloud of gunfire from redneck militia, the pawnbrokers of projection and camera-cued tears have simply put ceiling fans on the basement floor of voters' drowning senses. Wrong is right and Big Bird can no longer fly because of "greedy" tariffs on notorious Chinese polluters and currency manipulators paying peasants pennies on the dollar for the 'greater good'. To quote the Red Star portfolio of Traitor Joe, "Orange man bad, communist oppression good!" No wonder he believes "white kids" are immune to poverty, discrimination and twisted predators; not excluding his favorite shampoo, of course.  That feral moment a campaign political bumper sticker or solitary red MAGA hat, a falsely attributed symbol of extremism and bigotry, is recklessly transformed into a public tribunal of condoned brutality, is also the day civility, discourse and the nonnegotiable premise of tolerance evaporate beneath an epitaph of regret. Would Syrians, Mexicans or the Japanese welcome their elected government placing the needs and unwarranted demands of millions of Americans over their own marginalized citizens; condemning, attacking or imprisoning anyone who exposed their deception and betrayal? How many of their celebrated athletes have knelt during their national anthem on an international stage to advocate liquidating their country's resources, laws and sovereignty to appease its plotting critics in the name of fabricated "racism", political correctness or radical "feminism"; spiteful stunts devoid of any factual argument or legitimate grievance?  Since good, old-fashioned election fraud isn't enough to tip the electoral college, social media censorship and search engine manipulation are now the most effective forms of Democratic "patriotism". And because socialism, open borders, "white guilt", "toxic" masculinity and tofu barbecues can't sell themselves to a populace armed with a principled spirit of independence - individual autonomy, ambition and self-respect born from an historical aversion to government tyranny - the only suitable alternative for progressive hypnotists is to divide, disinform and viciously slander the very embodiment of American exceptionalism: a candid pragmatist who also happens to be one of the most effective and transparent Chief Executives in modern history, if not the most hounded, underappreciated and misunderstood figure in the world today.       Distrust, party rancor and racial animosity, social constructs that have existed for millennia on end, are not new occurrences in American society; Donald Trump's 2016 victory merely triggered the true depths of their existence, and even moreso his obsessed detractors willingness to manipulate them. Shamelessly politicizing every horrific tragedy for partisan gain, only to ignore the systemic roots of escalating violence in America, does nothing to address the decaying societal values and mental health crisis fertilizing the killing fields of failed gun control havens like Chicago and Baltimore.  Whining opportunists can no more regulate the festering volatility of human nature than they can blame a trigger for pulling itself or a raging forest fire for lighting a match. But together as a concerned and sentient people, without finger pointing, public grandstanding and the condescension of corrosive identity politics - vilifying a resolute leader for correctly referring to a murderous gang as "animals",  for rebuking a national soccer player repeatedly disrespecting the privilege of representing her country, or for rightfully shining a spotlight on decades of neglected urban blight and incompetence - we can restore a basic respect for life, America, and the necessity of earnest communication; a proposition which only requires time and an unwavering commitment to virtue over vice, honesty in lieu of choreographed duplicity. The mighty grandeur of Rome didn't fall in a day. Its watershed foundation rotted and collapsed beneath the weight of its own depravity and complacency long before any foreign power breached its assumed invincibility.  Those career malcontents and scheming social engineers who crave political power above all else will invent outrage, mock our faith, twist the most self-evident morals, reject reason and manipulate every inconvenient truth solely to reclaim control of the very country they so ignorantly despise and seek to dismantle; that imperfect yet transcendent Republic responsible for such an iconic degree of individual liberty and limitless opportunity that even a toxic squad of parasitic socialists, ungrateful immigrants, elected enemy combatants, unabashed bigots and clueless eco-fascists could succeed in light of undermining the very cultural and ideological pillars of Western society. Only in America. Fortunately, only your vote can simultaneously stop this blasphemous betrayal and denounce the dysfunctional disrepute of contemporary politics poisoning millions of impressionable minds with grotesque exaggerations and incendiary lies, hoping America will graciously destroy itself to restore the New World Order.

Triggers, Trolls and Wolves in Sheep's Clothing In upwards of 100,000 immigrants (aided by progressive groups and donors) are attempting to illegally enter the U.S. each month, illegal immigration costs taxpayers over $100 billion annually, non-citizens constitute nearly 25% of our entire prison population, and somehow leftist legislators only feel compelled to condemn any hint of objection, justifiable outrage, with their usual barrage of baseless accusations and stale epithets. Rather than dutifully declaring a national emergency to assist the overwhelmed security capabilities and civic resources of border states, these so-called public servants dine on chaos and smugly applaud the "bravery" of cultural arsonists desecrating the flag, dishonoring the Anthem and tarnishing any prominent vestige of national pride - the countless sacrifices made by centuries of our fallen brethren - to ultimately demand the removal of any "offensive" reference to America's founding heritage under the media-conjured banner of fighting "White Supremacy". In what deluded daydream does reducing loyal, law-abiding Americans to secondary citizens, incessantly labeling half the electorate as racist, sexist and homophobic, not constitute a clear and present danger to their lives, livelihoods and Constitutional liberties? Equally disturbing if not entirely predictable, how does educating the public with these incontrovertible facts, unresolved realities, make one an accessory to neurotic, rogue killers when the liberal establishment gives almost no credence to fellow Americans slain, raped, abducted or robbed by immigrant fugitives and smuggled gang members in order to preserve the "scandalous" myth Homeland Security persecutes helpless women and children; individuals who are still subject to our naturalization statutes and asylum requirements? The deadliest attacks are not the blood-stained eulogies penned by salivating wolves for prime time ratings and party fundraising emails - heartbreaking tragedies which still pale in comparison to daily crime statistics, cancer deaths and common household accidents - but the continuous erosion of a nation's identity, economic vitality and willingness to confront corruption in all its enduring and nefarious forms. Giving foreign criminals sanctuary and special privileges in the wake of dehumanizing ICE officials risking life and limb to protect our communities, including spurring acts of public retaliation after calling for their immediate eradication or incarceration, is the epitome of an orchestrated political insurrection; not that Deep State saboteurs hatching Russian fairy tales for wrongful prosecution stings need any reminder or incriminating memos. But yes, by all means, please lecture Trump "plantation owners" about who's literally inciting mass hostility with irresponsible rhetoric, a 24/7 syndicated parade of hate-filled propaganda, to conveniently camouflage their own treasonous actions with zero outcry or accountability from colluding Democrats. Or, if I may, is Antifa fighting imaginary fascism with real fascism, courageously concealing their true identity behind black masks and cowardly Gestapo tactics, so future generations of disgruntled dregs, Twitter anarchists and social misfits can assault anyone who dares offends their Marxist sensitivities and pardoned culture of violent entitlement? The "brown shirts" and "white hoods" of Democratic supremacy have a long, lurid history of color-coding hate, national elections, for the supposed benefit of humanity. Being the pajama pitchfork brigade is largely a byproduct of the contrived anti-Trump hysteria tirelessly flooding every facet of America, perhaps the families of the mass murder victims in Dayton, Ohio should ask why Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have yet to be charged for scaring the huddled sheep into "resisting" the reported Aryan ghost of Adolf Hitler; a sadistic maniac who also loathed Jews, Christians, free speech and embraced state control over education and healthcare. The clamoring media is terrified of rational adults who simply recognize such heinous atrocities always require an actual perpetrator, not a sacrificial scapegoat for circling scavengers desperately searching for a shiny weapon to cripple a populist's re-election chances by any scurrilous means possible. Under no set of remotely plausible circumstances will the DNC "rigging" machine accept the President winning a second term. Little Red Riding Hood aside, are "We the digestible People" expected to believe the steady diet of Presidential assassination fantasies echoing from the "me too" catacombs of Hollywood are just harmless parting gifts from the "love wins" humanitarians of homicidal entertainment? Rape, sex cults, drugs, and glorified death scenes always register in the fundraising coffers of liberal hypocrisy; endearing sentiments which clearly have no bearing on the lunatic lynch mob surrounding Mitch McConnell's home and aspiring to "just shoot the motherf#@cker" because killing political opponents with the "obsolete" ideal of self-defense is always on the vegan menu of the unhinged left. Is it too late to stop Climate Change and ban Right Wing hate by perusing our dying planet in more private jets and celebrity christened yachts in search of Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile island? According to the commercial sponsors of Pride Month and human trafficking cartels, the Fourth of July is too long and our children's future is at stake. You don't say. Funny how the same foaming mouthpieces painting President Trump as the genesis of all evil in a perilously-maladjusted and tone deaf world, fortuitously forget that mass shootings and terrorist attacks - Fort Hood, Chattanooga, Boston, San Diego, Orlando, Sandy Hook and New York to name but a few - jumped by over 400% respectively during Barack Obama's tenure. Naturally, his strong racial commentary, brash brand of social activism, were by no means lamented or implicated by the mainstream press, let alone the militant organizations of la Raza and Black Lives Matter, when cops were being assassinated in the line of duty for simply doing their job. Thank God no one in the appalled, hyper-vigilant press demanded a sitting President denounce racism and black supremacy due to Kodak moments with genocidal luminaries like Louis Farrakhan. Unlike opaque shower doors with no handicap access, obtuse selfies are clearly cheaper. Those who view and judge everything according to race are, by definition and disposition, "racist". The "Great Beguiler", who could elegantly deceive and cajole millions as unflinchingly as Donald Trump speaks unwelcome truths, was practically deified for his abrasive "social justice" bravado despite unapologetically fueling national unrest along racial, economic and religious lines, demonizing police inundated with an urban epidemic of criminals resisting arrest, and even triggering mass riots that resulted in loss of life and property after impetuously bypassing the pertinent details of the Michael Brown and Freddie Gray cases. No wonder his lovesick voters and globalist disciples have no recollection of the "inhumane" cages his administration built to separate children from their unvetted families, or profiting traffickers, until a legal determination of "asylum" could be made in accordance with our existing immigration laws; common sense necessities both parties once acknowledged and passed. And yet those conscious trespassers wishing to return home on their own accord were still free to do so, as they are today, without any sensational tales of Nazi torture or inane accusations of a secret Republican Holocaust. Apparently, air conditioned detention centers with free medical care and hot food are the new concentration camps of millennial historians attempting to classify Christian conservatives as terrorist agents of hate speech for choosing the Bible over drag queen story time, salvation over soulless indoctrination, and the divine blessing of children, family, over extolling the "feminist" extravaganza of abortion. Punishing ideological dissent, the crux of free will, is the infamous calling card of every depraved totalitarian regime in history; and now, modern progressivism. Thinking for yourself has become an unfathomable hate crime to biased educators and media puppets who believe it is their moral obligation to convince the masses Islam is peaceful, "white nationalism" the root of all suffering, success the inherited privilege of greed, and borders a racist conspiracy. No, the noxious sky isn't falling amid an unquenchable cloud of gunfire from redneck militia, the pawnbrokers of projection and camera-cued tears have simply put ceiling fans on the basement floor of voters' drowning senses. Wrong is right and Big Bird can no longer fly because of "greedy" tariffs on notorious Chinese polluters and currency manipulators paying peasants pennies on the dollar for the 'greater good'. To quote the Red Star portfolio of Traitor Joe, "Orange man bad, communist oppression good!" No wonder he believes "white kids" are immune to poverty, discrimination and twisted predators; not excluding his favorite shampoo, of course. That feral moment a campaign political bumper sticker or solitary red MAGA hat, a falsely attributed symbol of extremism and bigotry, is recklessly transformed into a public tribunal of condoned brutality, is also the day civility, discourse and the nonnegotiable premise of tolerance evaporate beneath an epitaph of regret. Would Syrians, Mexicans or the Japanese welcome their elected government placing the needs and unwarranted demands of millions of Americans over their own marginalized citizens; condemning, attacking or imprisoning anyone who exposed their deception and betrayal? How many of their celebrated athletes have knelt during their national anthem on an international stage to advocate liquidating their country's resources, laws and sovereignty to appease its plotting critics in the name of fabricated "racism", political correctness or radical "feminism"; spiteful stunts devoid of any factual argument or legitimate grievance? Since good, old-fashioned election fraud isn't enough to tip the electoral college, social media censorship and search engine manipulation are now the most effective forms of Democratic "patriotism". And because socialism, open borders, "white guilt", "toxic" masculinity and tofu barbecues can't sell themselves to a populace armed with a principled spirit of independence - individual autonomy, ambition and self-respect born from an historical aversion to government tyranny - the only suitable alternative for progressive hypnotists is to divide, disinform and viciously slander the very embodiment of American exceptionalism: a candid pragmatist who also happens to be one of the most effective and transparent Chief Executives in modern history, if not the most hounded, underappreciated and misunderstood figure in the world today. Distrust, party rancor and racial animosity, social constructs that have existed for millennia on end, are not new occurrences in American society; Donald Trump's 2016 victory merely triggered the true depths of their existence, and even moreso his obsessed detractors willingness to manipulate them. Shamelessly politicizing every horrific tragedy for partisan gain, only to ignore the systemic roots of escalating violence in America, does nothing to address the decaying societal values and mental health crisis fertilizing the killing fields of failed gun control havens like Chicago and Baltimore. Whining opportunists can no more regulate the festering volatility of human nature than they can blame a trigger for pulling itself or a raging forest fire for lighting a match. But together as a concerned and sentient people, without finger pointing, public grandstanding and the condescension of corrosive identity politics - vilifying a resolute leader for correctly referring to a murderous gang as "animals", for rebuking a national soccer player repeatedly disrespecting the privilege of representing her country, or for rightfully shining a spotlight on decades of neglected urban blight and incompetence - we can restore a basic respect for life, America, and the necessity of earnest communication; a proposition which only requires time and an unwavering commitment to virtue over vice, honesty in lieu of choreographed duplicity. The mighty grandeur of Rome didn't fall in a day. Its watershed foundation rotted and collapsed beneath the weight of its own depravity and complacency long before any foreign power breached its assumed invincibility. Those career malcontents and scheming social engineers who crave political power above all else will invent outrage, mock our faith, twist the most self-evident morals, reject reason and manipulate every inconvenient truth solely to reclaim control of the very country they so ignorantly despise and seek to dismantle; that imperfect yet transcendent Republic responsible for such an iconic degree of individual liberty and limitless opportunity that even a toxic squad of parasitic socialists, ungrateful immigrants, elected enemy combatants, unabashed bigots and clueless eco-fascists could succeed in light of undermining the very cultural and ideological pillars of Western society. Only in America. Fortunately, only your vote can simultaneously stop this blasphemous betrayal and denounce the dysfunctional disrepute of contemporary politics poisoning millions of impressionable minds with grotesque exaggerations and incendiary lies, hoping America will graciously destroy itself to restore the New World Order.

Triggers, Trolls and Wolves in Sheep's Clothing In upwards of 100,000 immigrants (aided by progressive groups and donors) are attempting to illegally enter the U.S. each month, illegal immigration...
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