I went to let the dog out last night around 10 PM and there was a #skunk in the yard. Thankfully I saw it before I let her out. It was probably rabid. I yelled and pointed the flashlight at it. Instead of running away it started to head towards me. Well, that's never a good sign.

I decided it would be best to walk my dog around the block instead. As we completed our loop back on my street I tried to stay near the center of the road. Good thing. I saw another small skunk at the side of the road hunting for grubs in some bushes.

We've smelled skunk the last few nights. I suspect an increase in the population. I'd like to blame our neighbor two streets over who places food in the woods to feed a feral cat colony.

I'd like to put a trap out but our township won't permit them after 6 PM (when the animal control closes for the night). Sprinkling fox urine crystals from Amazon hasn't made any difference. Hannah (my dog) got skunked almost a month ago and you can still smell it if she gets damp.

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