Bold preaching will shake the church as it has never been shaken

Twice in scripture from both the OT and NT we read God's promise.
Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17-18.
How does this play out?
Will such preaching come from the pulpits of megachurches, or will it come from an army of unknown, unimportant servants of God?
While we see so many denominational churches seeking to increase their congregations through accepting traditions of men I tell you that God's Holy Spirit is awakening those not included in any of the common denominations.
Many are realizing the chaos of our culture and are exhausted of the empty promises of gospel presented without power in God's truth.
So many of the non religious are without knowledge being called out of Babylon.
We should therefore expect more bold preaching from any of these unwittingly seeking God's truth in love.
While we hear this preaching we should always be mindful that any of what we listen towards should always glorify God the Father, His son Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit.

What men have construed as warnings for maintaining righteousness in the sight of God is about to change, and this bold preaching will come from places unexpected and people presumed unworthy.

Peace and blessings.

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