This may not be very popular but.... I've been wondering for some time, if Trump was ever on our side... for four years, nobody did anything because Trump was going to do it. He was going to build a wall - he built a partial wall. He was going to MAGA - Everything he did towards that was undone easily. He was going to drain the swamp but I didn't see one person taken out in chains or even investigated. "Alt-right" personalities and anonymous fortune cookie predictions aside, all his presidency did was keep the "rabble" on the right from making any moves while also unifying the loons on the left in hatred of the Orange Man who was *somehow* hurting them. In a conflict between the everyday Patriots and the rich and powerful(where does Trump fit in here?), we are nothing more then four years behind.

I'm not sure where I started to have doubts but I can tell you this... Trump said Joe wasn't mentally competent to be POTUS. Trump told us that Joe was a criminal. Trump told us that Joe was an agent under foreign influence. Trump told us there was voter fraud and that if it was allowed to stand, there would never be a free election again in this country. We were told that Trump and Pence had options to keep Joe from taking power, maybe extreme options but they were there, but every deadline came and went and, in the end, Trump handed over the country to a mentally incompetent, foreign influenced criminal, and thus also legitimized a stolen election that sealed the fate on free elections in America. ?

So, am I wrong? I invite civil debate.

Welcome to the Church of COVID... Listen to no one but your masters, question nothing and do as your told... only then can you survive the plandemic with a 99.7% survival rate....

Never did I think this would come in my lifetime and never did I think that so many would fall in line

I don't know whose nightmare this is, but please tell them to wake up!

I do NOT fear COVID. My fear of that has come and gone.

I DO FEAR being made to feel like a criminal if I get the sniffles.

I DO FEAR being forced in to medical procedures against my will.

I DO FEAR a tyrannical police state rising up under the guise of fighting a plague with a greater then 99% survival rate.

I do NOT fear death.

I DO FEAR for the people I would leave behind.

I DO FEAR the end of Liberty and Freedom.

I DO FEAR for The Constitution.

Self Checkouts are everywhere now. The stores claim its more convenient for you. How exactly? If I checkout my own groceries today, what day do I have to come back to help unload the truck?

The stores are saving money by eliminating employees but do they pass on the savings to you? Hell no! I would be glad to use your self checkout... for 5% off my bill. Thats how it should have been done but corporate greed said no to treating customers with fairness.

Über Uns

This a place for me to post my take on the world, life, current events, and my own beliefs... Just my Thoughts. I invite civil discussion on what I post.

AWeber Smart Designer