American History

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The 1950s was a decade full of many events in America. For instance, in this decade, the Cold War was gaining popularity, fear of communism was rising, and significance of broadcasting reached its heights...

American History

The 1950s was a decade full of many events in America. For instance, in this decade, the Cold War was gaining popularity, fear of communism was rising, and significance of broadcasting reached its heights. With the transition from radio broadcasting to television and videos, the emergence of fearless journalists not only transformed the age of information but also helped free the American citizens from oppression. One of the significant occurrences during this time was the Red Scare, which refers to the extreme fear of communist threat in America. The situation was worsened by the fact that the American government participated in the Red Scare. A figure like Joseph McCarthy, the Wisconsin Senator, was a key crusader against communism. This paper explains how Edward Murrow’s words affect my feelings and understanding of the Red Scare.

The emergence of fearless and skillful broadcaster Edward Murrows brought things into light. His words of wisdom and public criticism of McCarthy through his broadcast known as “See it Now” were rather significant. Murrows enlightened the masses about the Red Scare. I felt a similar effect after analyzing his words that gave me a better understanding of the event. I learnt that the Red Scare was not just about the fear of communism but a tool utilized by American government through individuals like McCarthy to control the masses and enforce certain ideologies. In other words, it was a kind of weapon against Russia and its communist ideas.

However, Murrows’ words criticizing McCarthy were eye-opening. The integration of excerpts from McCarthy’s speeches makes it clear that although the Red Scare was real, the senator and other governmental officials and organizations used it to control the minds of the American citizens through lies and misinformation. They were forced to comply with the reign of terror whereby intellectuals, celebrities, and anyone who questioned the existing political views were charged with disloyalty to the state. In addition, I am encouraged by Morrows’ journalistic job that became a powerful force contributing to McCarthy’s failure.

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