Education system (Impact)

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Educational system of a country is the basis for the development of the society

Economy, policy, culture, and social relations are the reflection of achievements or shortcomings in the school system. Effective work of teachers and their collaboration with learners, as well as high-quality and interesting programs allows improving social life and adopting a meaningful approach to the personal destiny. Nonetheless, the modern school system is subject to countless shortcomings, which result in the creation of a harmless electorate, a service labor force, and a virtual herd of mindless consumers rather than good people, good citizens, and individuals who work at their personal best.

The modern school system creates a harmless and largely illiterate electorate and service labor force because of inherent problems and shortcomings rather than creating good people and good citizens. The main problem is that the modern school system is not properly constructed. It restrains the growth of skills that are vital for personal development. Students do not receive information that really helps them to become successful in life, have their point of view, lead a healthy lifestyle, and have an active personal life. One of the main points is that homework assignments that require a lot of time do not develop practical abilities. Children are naturally brilliant and understand what content is useful, yet they also lose interest in learning easily due to studying impractical and notional information, starting from primary school. It is quite surprising because teachers emphasize that if children get interesting and useful information, they are motivated to study and wish to deepen their knowledge even on their own. Moreover, learners try to understand the material and perform additional tasks with pleasure. In contrast to this hypothetical situation, the educational material provided by modern schools is far from the one that would satisfy the students’ needs and interests. As a result, it causes internal conflict and evokes resistance to learning at it was mentioned in one of the thematic essay topics us history papers.

Hence, the society has created a system that has made learning boring. John Taylor Gatto, a famous teacher, reveals in his article “Against Schools” that while teaching in the worst and best schools in Manhattan, he noticed a repeated pattern that was present regardless of the status of a school. It concerns the presence of constant boredom among students and teachers in the process of learning and teaching. In particular, students explain that education is uninteresting and emphasize the lack of practicality or novelty (Gatto 683). It should be noted that most students are willing to learn, but the material is outdated, overly theoretical, and limited by educational programs. Learners emphasize that they want to be able to actually apply knowledge gained in the process of being trained. Accordingly, it could allow the upbringing of conscious students and future citizens who can use their knowledge for their benefit. Moreover, it will eliminate the atmosphere of boredom. Crucial changes are not introduced in the school system; thus, the society continues educating in the way that creates indifferent voters.

In fact, the learning process is a two-way exchange of information between students and teachers. Respectively, if students do not want to learn, the teacher loses a sense of the value of work and enthusiasm. Therefore, a lot of teachers have chronic suppressed relationships with learners and colleagues because of the low level of motivation and enthusiasm. The issue is created by the irrationality of educational information. Moreover, the approach forms a stereotypical attitude to life, which has apathy, boredom, and passivity as a basis. It significantly reduces feedback between a student and a teacher and prevents the creation of a high-quality system of cooperation.

Therefore, the educational aim of bringing up a conscious citizen and a happy human being is not gained; however, this principle should be incorporated in any educational program or task. This main concept of learning is diminished or ignored at all levels of the education system. In his article “I Just Wanna Be Average”, Mike Rose stresses that a huge number of tests and standards in the educational system gives rise to the emergence of stereotypes (1). Educators emphasize that if the educational material does not add knowledge and fails to contribute to a conscious creation of a successful concept of life, this content has to be revised or removed from the educational process.

Social consciousness and self-awareness emerge in the process of executing practical actions. Modern standards for the educational material have significantly decreased practicality, but it is a key factor used for motivating students. It should be emphasized that a high level of learners’ motivation guarantees a sense of satisfaction for teachers and becomes a driving force of their productive performance. Therefore, it creates a fruitful mutual relationship between teachers and students and provides a high level of education.

Low practicality of acquired knowledge and a modern approach to teaching create the population’s thoughtless attitude to issues in various spheres of life, including their consumption patterns. Thus, modern people have been turned into a virtual herd of thoughtless consumers. The school system creates a careless attitude to managing finances and a precedent when people buy things that they do not need just like they study material that would be not important for their career. Modern teaching that is not connected with real life impairs the formation of decision-making skills and a conscious choice of activities by students is not present.

It should not be forgotten that children are future participants of elections; thus, the flawed approach to teaching of the learning material affects the behavior of voters and allows managing people according to the discretion of political parties. Nevertheless, good citizenship begins with active participation in the public life of the country. Gatto in his article emphasizes that this approach was actually coined by politicians in Europe and began to be used in Prussia to create crowds that would be easily managed in line with the government’s orders. This teacher emphasizes that the American educational system began to use one of the shortcomings of the Prussian educational culture, which consisted in restrictions on personal opinion (Gatto 686). It was a deliberate move of the government aimed at creating a controlled society. However, this system ensures the destruction of personal and leadership skills and raises obedient citizens who do not have valuable knowledge to guide their lives and be aware of their identity.

Only a small number of children receive upbringing and training that enable them to become extremely successful. These children can make their own decisions and choose the right path in life, which allows them to control other people and achieve financial success and respect from others. There are cases when children from poor families have achieved a high status in the society. However, only one percent of US citizens may be regarded as very wealthy people. Gregory Mantsios in his article "Class in America  - 2006" stresses that it is quite acceptable to use the phrase “middle class”; in contrast, “upper class” and “lower class” are considered to be offensive collocations in the US even though inequality continues spreading (184). Failure to address urgent issues by the current education system and the society in general has created conditions that promote reduction of prosperity and increase of poverty.

To conclude, modern education is an outdated system that limits the development of personal leadership qualities. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of a careless attitude to work among teachers, which makes learners bored and reduces their motivation. Teaching approaches are not oriented at providing practical skills, while the study of large amounts of information seems to be irrational. It creates reluctance to learn. As John Taylor Gatto emphasizes, the United States has adopted some aspects of education and culture from Prussia with a view to upbringing the harmless population that does not have own opinion and is easily managed in terms of political, economic, and social domains of public life. This situation results in the emergence of mindless financial expenses and consumption among citizens. Shortcomings of the educational system create preconditions for the deterioration of life in the country.


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