Venthyr players can get an ethereal Venthyr Armor

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WoTLK Gold are the command of Ardenweald and are regarded as Guardians of Nature and Shepherds of the Cycle of Life and Death. They are similar to Kyrian and assist nature spirits from life into death to rest and possibly Rebirth. The most important characteristics associated with Night Faes include: Night Fae include:

Strong ties to elements, nature, and natural cycles

Desire to defend nature

Protective spirit

The Night Fae Signature ability includes Soul Shape. Night Fae can make use of this power to turn into any form, such as a Vulpin as a default, and can teleport up to 15 yards, and speed up their movement by 50%. They can collect and earn various cosmetics that can alter what their Soulshape is. There are a variety of options available, including Moth, Unicorn, Lion, Tiger, Cobra, Raptor, Wolf, and Wyvern as well as many other.

Night Fae players will be rewarded with the nature-inspired Night Fae Armor and Weapon Transmog, unique Shadeleaf Runestag and Enchanted Shadeleaf Runestag mounts and the pet root known as Trootie and special Soulbinds, and gain access to Fae Circles transportation network along with other rewards. A lot of these are attained through making the Renown ranks.


The Venthyr commands Revendreth. They are regarded as Punishers of the unworthy. They find souls burdened by vices or flaws and cleanse them of these burdens. They prepare souls for either be the Punisher or enter into an appropriate Covenant after they have been changed. The main characteristics of the Venthyr are:

Checkered pasts that required atonement

Morality: Strained, gray

Helpful, patient nature

The Venthyr Signature skill can be described as Door of Shadows. Venthyr can make use of this ability to travel in the darkness of shadows and return to their target location.

cheap WoTLK Gold players can get an ethereal Venthyr Armor and Weapon Transmog as well as unique Sinfall Gargon and Gravestone Battle Gargon mounts as well as an animal rock with arms and legs called Sinheart and special Soulbinds and acces to the Mirror Network transportation network, along with other benefits. Some of these can be attained through making the Renown ranks.

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