The jockeying for positions when it comes to MMO releases over the last couple of months

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For some, 2021 was The year for MMOs. However, for others, it's been another year of discontent. With every new MMO that is released, players hold tighter onto the days of their past, refusing believe that anything new could be equivalent to what's previously Elyon Gold  been played. Elyon may very well be another victim of that thought process; only the time tell.Since the latest MMO has been launched, I've spent about 20 hours into Elyon and, so far, it's been a great experience. But, only time will tell whether it's a game that will stick around, or be a passing version that is a fad for this genre.

The jockeying for positions when it comes to MMO releases over the last couple of months. Elyon's developer Krafton along with publisher Kakao Games had already announced that the release date was September 29 when Amazon Games pushed their release of New World from August 25 to September 28. In what I would consider to be an unsurprising move, Krafton immediately pushed back the Elyon release date by a month to October 20. The intriguing aspect of this shift was the switch from a buy-to play monetization model to free-to-play , in an effort to entice more gamers to give Elyon the chance.

According to SteamCharts as of the time of writing Elyon is currently home to just over 15.000 players in total, and an average of nearly 10.000 since the game's launch. It's only a tiny fraction of New World's current player count (506.000). The Elyon player count is just in the Steam version. Even the case that a triple or even a quadruple number downloaded Elyon directly through Kakao's website Kakao site, it's still not clear if the delay in launch and transition to free-to-play had a significant impact on player numbers. We'll have to wait for official word from Kakao and Krafton before knowing for sure.

In spite of the actual number of players the Headstart as well as the official launch of Elyon went fairly smoothly at least for all of the North American servers. I've never encountered any waiting lists to access the Cassiopeia server, however a third servers was put in the EU region in order to reduce the queues. There are also slowdowns as the servers strain to process World Events and RvR battles which is why they were temporarily shut down until the lag is addressed when scheduled maintenance is scheduled for the 27th.

As I've already said, I have only been able to play a little over 20 hours to date which means I'm quite a ways from making a decision on whether Elyon is my preferred MMO for the next few years. However, to date I've had plenty of enjoyable playing through the initial levels. The process of progressing through the early levels is extremely fast. Even if you prefer to listen to the voiceovers and read every word of the quest's text and get to level 30. completing the quest within a few hours is still an attainable objective. I was able to make it into the mid-30s by only completing the story as well as region quests; no mob grinding was required. Even when I was a bit short of experience, I was able to progress from level 35 to level 36. It only took about a minute to redo several quests to gain the XP required to progress.

Reaching level 30 took very no effort, and this isn't due to poor design choices made by the team of Krafton. The current mentality of most MMO players is to rush, hurry, rush. Creating more quests than necessary is perceived as an attempt by the developers to extend playtime artificially without any substance. Many of the long-running buy Elyon Gold  MMOs like Final Fantasy XIV and Neverwinter have received the ire of gamers over this particular issueand have even gone to the extent of removing extra fluff from the early levels.

Be aware of the players' preferences of the moment As a result, the first 30 or so levels of Elyon serve more like an introduction and tutorial to the story more than anything else. You aren't even introduced to other things like gathering, crafting, running dungeons PvP, dungeons, and the rest of the MMO trimmings until you are at the end of your 30s. Personally, I found this to be a simple method to ensure that I am focused on the "good things" before I got too focused on other things other than combat.

So so far, I've tried playing Gunner and Slayer however, The Mystic class has caught my attention in the present. The three classes (and I'll assume the remaining classes are as well) can crush all of the solo content I've had the pleasure of playing to date. Even without one of the most potent spells in Mystic, the combination of mobility, stuns, and area of effect damage spells can feel a bit overwhelming. If something major happens, I don't expect that to change in the next levels. It's not just about monsters' hit points, neither. The idea of turning enemies into damage sponges will not make fighting any more enjoyable the game, but it will increase the time of each encounter by several seconds.

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