Runescape producer Jagex has put an end the development

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Runescape producer Jagex has put an end the development of Runelite HD, a fan-made HD mod to the popular open-source client that is used for Old School Runescape,

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Runescape producer Jagex has put an end the development of Runelite HD, a fan-made HD mod to the popular open-source client that is used for Old School Runescape, just as the project was due to launch last Monday. The 11th-hour move has some Runescape fans decrying Jagex's decision and suggesting that they'll migrate on to different MMOs.

Runelite HD designer "117" posted on Reddit Tuesday with the information he had received from Jagex The message was later confirmed by Jagex in its own blog post. Runelite HD operates as a plugin that will provide significant visual enhancements to the basic Runescape, as can be observed at 117's Twitter. Moderator 117 added that they've spent around 2500 hours in the past two years working on Runelite HD.

"Yesterday we made contact with the creators of well-known HD projects and we asked the developers to stop development on their respective projects as this is a project that we are currently investigating directly," Jagex stated. Jagex informed 117 that its work on the development of an HD version of Old School Runescape was "still quite early in its exploration stages" however "very active."

"Naturally this implies that any project led by fans that is attempting to alter the way Old School RuneScape appears is against our own goals," Jagex wrote to 117. "We believe it is essential to maintain consistency with regards to the way Old School looks and that's why we want to make sure that our changes made in the official version of the game are the only ones we have available.

Hope that the news that Jagex along with the Old School team are tackling this endeavor with a seriousness is an exciting thing for you although it may mean that we must be politely asking you to stop your personal projects buy RS gold."

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