There's more to it than just bee-lining a golden

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There's more to it than just bee-lining a golden path towards something since as you go the people around you will say, "Oh, I see an dungeon on the map. Oh, I'm seeing an event that's shared. Oh Diablo. A world boss is about to emerge. Let's make it happen.

There's more to D2R Items it than just bee-lining a golden path towards something since as you go the people around you will say, "Oh, I see an dungeon on the map. Oh, I'm seeing an event that's shared. Oh Diablo. A world boss is about to emerge. Let's make it happen.

Because I want to get the gear from that." Or even the small stuff, "Oh, there's a treasure golem now set take me across the globe as I attempt to track them down in order to find a potential legendary object from it." There's plenty that you can interact with in this world.

It certainly benefits from having cross-play between PC and console. What's it been like see Diablo move from being a very niche PC game become one that anyone can play on consoles?

Fergusson says: For me, it's pride over accessibility and having more people play. The reality is that we're looking at like bringing Diablo 2: Resurrected to console, and being able to have controller support on mobile devices for Immortal and being able to offer Immortal into PC.

So people can play on big screens using mouse and keyboard and controller. This is about giving an opportunity to everyone to play as many times as possible without being in that specialized category. So for me it is pride in knowing in the fact that we have that more scope.

Shely: Yeah. It's a blast to battle monsters. We would like as many players as possible to get the chance to try it.Touching in PvP, do you have a particular system or method that you're implementing it? Does it have a formal process or is it just a matter of Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Items doing your thing and you suddenly get marked and now everyone's following you?

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