The Sale of Tobacco in Pharmacies

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Pharmacies or any facility that legally dispenses curative or preventive medication must not stoke or sale cigarettes to the public.

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Pharmacies or any facility that legally dispenses curative or preventive medication must not stoke or sale cigarettes to the public. This is based on the fact that these facilities act as custodians of health, and therefore, such facilities are prohibited from selling cigarettes. Cigarette smoking is harmful to users because it contains chemicals that are lethal to human beings. Despite this, the sale of tobacco in pharmacies has remained an ordinary feature in drug stores and pharmaceutical stores across the country. This practice has remained unchallenged despite the negative consequences that cigarette brings on users. As a result, the sale of tobacco has continued to affect the population negatively. In equal measure, it must be noted that passive smoking equally poses serious health challenges to people. Authorities and policy makers have adopted stringent and harsh laws and regulations that are aimed at eliminating the sale of tobacco in pharmacies. Additionally, health professionals and other health organizations have voiced their opinion and have called upon the government to ban people from smoking in the public places. However, the expected positive progress in the fight against the sale of tobacco in pharmacies is yet to be realized. It is ironical that the pharmacies are responsible for the sale of tobacco, yet they are supposed to protect the health of the citizens. Findings from the World Health Organization (WHO) have shown that millions of lives have been lost due to the adverse effects of tobacco smoking (Eule, Sullivan, Schroeder 2004). Experts from the international community have recommended the prohibition of the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies, but this habit remains prevalent in most jurisdictions. The enforcement of the laws meant to curb the sale of tobacco has not given the desired results at the national level. Only a number of pharmacies have heeded the laws, but the majority of the pharmaceutical stores have continued with the sale of tobacco (Fincham, 2008).

The Two Sides of the Issue on the Sale of Tobacco in Pharmacies

Two sides emerge from the sale of tobacco in pharmacies. This comprises two broad groups of individuals who are for and against the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies. Proponents of the sale of tobacco in pharmacies support this idea because of the perceived economic benefits that they accrue from the sale of tobacco. They claim that the sale of tobacco leads to the creation of employment opportunities in the public sector, and that a large section of the population earns its living from the sale of tobacco. Furthermore, they argue that a large number of smokers contribute to the development of the growth of the country’s economy because of the huge taxes the governments get from the sale of tobacco products. According to those defending the status quo, continued sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products does not cause health problems, as experts believe. They claim that smoking of tobacco does not necessarily result in death and that death is natural. Cigarette users are against the proposed ban because they believe that the government is directly interfering with their lives and their personal lifestyles. Therefore, they want the government to stop interfering with their freedom of life and their personal liberty to live the way they desire.

On the other hand, the majority of population is against this ideology and has always agitated for proper enforcement of laws that could curtail this habit. This category believes that smoking tobacco leads to harmful and detrimental health consequences to users and passive smokers at the same time. The increase in diseases related to tobacco smoking also gives them a reason to prohibit its continuous sale in the pharmacies. This group argues that pharmacies are meant to exist in order to provide curative products. The sale of tobacco in the pharmacies gives the impression that it is compatible to health (Brownell Gold, 2012). However, this is not true and it undermines the messages from the public health institutions. The message is very clear and categorical because it emphasizes the health consequences that may result to the users because of persistent smoking.

Disadvantages of Selling Tobacco in the Pharmacies

I am against the sale of tobacco in pharmacies because of the numerous health risks associated with cigarette smoking. It is very clear that the disadvantages of selling tobacco in the pharmacies outweigh the general benefits accrued from its sale. Continuous smoking adds no benefit to the body and only adds to the development of health complications for the users. Primarily, the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies has resulted in the increased numbers of death and disability. For instance, in the United States of America, sale of tobacco is the leading cause of disability and infection of preventable diseases. The government should therefore take the necessary precautionary measures such as the implementation of laws that prohibit the sale of tobacco, increasing the tax rate on tobacco products, and banning smoking of tobacco in public places. Examples of diseases that affect the community because of smoking include lung cancer, throat cancer, asthma, mouth cancer, and emphysema.

Another disadvantage of the sale of tobacco in pharmacies is that it leads to the habit of tobacco smoking. This has also resulted in the development of health complications for the users. These include decrease in the functionality of the lungs, advanced signs, symptoms of old age, and the unpleasant odor on the body and on the clothing worn by the smokers. Findings from the research carried out by the National Cancer Institute of the United States of America show that the leading cause of death of both women and men is lung cancer. The findings also show that approximately 80% of the detected lung cancer arises from tobacco smoking. Smoking of tobacco also leads to harmful effects on the brain. For example, tobacco contains nicotine and when it finds its way into the body, it commands the brain to release a hormone known as adrenaline in larger quantities than usual. The effects from the release of adrenaline into the body system of the smokers include high blood pressure and irregular flow of blood. It also alters the breathing pattern of smokers and may lead to premature death in the end. Additionally, adrenaline instructs the brain to discharge glucose into the body system. This may lead to the increased production of the hormone called insulin, which is responsible for diabetes and hyperglycemia. These are life-threatening diseases for the smokers, hence increasing the need to stop the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies.

Another side effect from the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies is that it has led to the alienation and discrimination of smokers from the rest of the community. This is because the non-smoking public hence perceives the smokers as disease-carriers and sees the need to avoid them. Any form of discrimination is hard to accept and therefore this leads to the development of unnecessary mental frustrations and stress for the users. It is therefore a necessity that the pharmacies cease to sell tobaccos in order to allow the integration and acceptance of smokers back into the community. In addition, the sale of tobacco in pharmacies results in the increase of the costs to the smokers. Many financial resources are set aside annually to sustain the habit of smoking instead of investing them in the development of the individual and the country in general. Research findings have highlighted the effects of smoking tobacco on pregnant women. The women give birth to undernourished and underweight children and this drastically reduces the lifespan of the children. There is also an increased chance of giving birth before the right time, miscarriage, or still delivery. All these health complications make it necessary for the government to control the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies. Smoking of tobacco leads to the reduction of the chances of women getting pregnant. This is because the nicotine inhaled into the body system damages the ovaries and eventually causes infertility.

The other disadvantage of selling tobacco in the pharmacies is that it leads to the development of the habit of addiction amongst the users. Addiction to smoking by the users of tobacco is another disadvantage that arises from the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies. Smoking gradually becomes a habit that cannot be easily eradicated. This is for the reason of the strong addiction that develops from the extended use of tobacco related products such as cigarettes. The users cannot do away with the urge of smoking. They are therefore compelled to engage in activities, which are unconventional sometimes, in order to satisfy their urges. Addiction to the consumption of tobacco related products leads to the impairment of an assortment of body parts and especially the brain. Research findings have concluded that smoking or chewing tobacco results in the loss of memory, the destruction of the white matter and the grey matter in the brain, depression, muscular degeneration, blindness, loss of hearing, untimely wrinkling of the faces of the users, tooth loss, skin diseases, weakened sense of smell, peptic ulcers, and alteration of the sleep patterns. All these complications arise because of the extended use of tobacco products, which are gotten, directly from the pharmacies. Addiction to the use of tobacco related products eventually leads to the use of such drugs as heroin and cocaine. This is quite dangerous to cigarette users. The life of smokers will deteriorate further due to the extended use of cigarettes. It also becomes very difficult to stop the use of those drugs once the user has been initiated into the system. Any ban on the sale of such products will effectively put an end to the sufferings that the citizens have to endure.

Finally, yet importantly, another disadvantage of selling tobacco in the pharmacies is that it leads to the general pollution of the resources that are shared communally. The habit of smoking develops due to the availability of tobacco related products found cheaply in the pharmacies. The use of tobacco has resulted in discrete forms of pollutions that include air pollution and burning of forests because of the carelessness that is explicated by smokers of tobacco. For instance, there have been reports of destruction of large parts of the forest due the carelessness of smokers. They smoke and throw away the remaining butts without thinking of the consequences that it has on the environment. Air pollution triggered by release of the poisonous gases and chemical compounds emitted from the smoke is another issue. The destruction of the forests may lead to long-term climatic challenges such as drought. Inadequate behavior promotes the development of desert-like conditions in places that were formally productive. This phenomenon traces its source from the pharmacies that sell the tobacco related products to the members of the public (Rahtz, 2012).

Reasons Why the Sale of Tobacco in Pharmacies Should Be Banned

In line with the position of banning the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies, the following are the reasons that make my stance both ethically and morally right: Firstly, the main reason the government should ban the sale of tobacco in pharmacies is due to the health complications it has on the individuals. Smoking of tobacco over a long period may lead to such unhealthy signs as stunted growth, premature death, loss of weight, discoloring of teeth, lung cancer, and mouth cancer. All these health complications are controllable and preventable in the first place. Necessary measures should therefore be taken by authorities to solve underlying issues because they fasten the process of death for the affected individuals (Braverman, 2009). Consequently, loss of life due to the habit of smoking leads to declining numbers of work force, which is necessary for the development of the country. This in the end may make the affected country dependent on other countries for the provision of human personnel, which is a vital component in the economic development of a country (Fincham, 2011). In addition, findings from the research that has been carried out show that smoke comprises more than 7000 toxic compounds, chemicals, and poisonous gases. This therefore makes the stance against the sale of tobacco in pharmacies ethically based on medical grounds.

Secondly, the sale of tobacco in the pharmacies has to be banned because of the large economic burden the users have to bear in order to meet their habitual demands. The users of tobacco spend a fortune on the purchase of tobacco while ignoring most important needs in their lives such as a balanced diet. This is due to the effect of addiction that results from the habit of smoking. Prohibition of the sale of tobacco will go a long way towards the reduction of these excessive costs that arise directly from the consumption of tobacco related products. The government spends billions of dollars on the yearly health care expenditure, which is directly related with the sale of tobacco. The banning of the sale of tobacco products will go a long way towards alleviating the economic saddle because of the sale of billions of cigarettes. The implementation of laws aimed at banning the sale of tobacco is a necessity that will result in the saving of money (Alamar Glantz, 2006).

Thirdly, the sale of tobacco in pharmacies and within the facilities that promote healthy living is incongruous. This poses a considerable conflict of interests. The primary aim of the existence of the pharmacies is to sell products that are to be used to cure diseases. Going against the expectations of the society is not only morally wrong, but it is also illegal. The government should therefore heed the advice of the health scientists and close all those pharmacies that engage in the sale of tobacco. The general perception that people have is that selling tobacco in pharmacies implies that it is not dangerous for their health. This is because people visit the pharmacies either to look for medical advice or for medical treatment. The fact, however, is that the sale of tobacco within the environs of a healthcare unit makes it a foremost risk factor for the spread and transmission of non-communicable diseases. For this reason, all health facilities including the pharmacies ought not to engage in the selling of tobacco related products (Fieldstein, 2011).

Fourthly, the sale of tobacco in pharmacies should be banned because of the adverse effects it has on women who are pregnant. Pregnant mothers who smoke cigarettes and other tobacco related products face numerous health snags such as giving birth to immature babies, loss of weight, and the general decline in the health of mothers. Smoking tobacco also leads to the development of cancer and diabetes. These diseases hasten the deaths of those women who use tobacco related products, including the lives of their unborn children. Smoking tobacco reduces the chances of a woman to get pregnant. This is because the chemical compounds from tobacco facilitate the destruction of the ovaries and the DNA system of the spermatozoa. It is therefore obligatory that the responsible authorities ban the sale of tobacco in pharmacies and in the supermarkets. Professionals and the medical team from the World Health Organization have prohibited the promotion and the sale of cigarettes and other products related to tobacco (Dent, Scott, Lewis, 2004). There are cosmetic benefits that the users of tobacco relate products will achieve in the event that the pharmacies are prohibited from selling the cigarettes. This is because their breath becomes fresher and better, the stained teeth become whiter after some time, the fingernails will lose their yellow color, and there will be a consequent reduction of the wrinkles in the faces of the users. This improvers their appearance and outlook and makes them presentable in the eyes of the public. I therefore fully support their standing because of I am a firm believer of upholding the ethical code of conduct in the society and the world at large.

Lastly, the sale of tobacco products in the pharmacies should be banned because of general greater benefits that it will accrue for both users and the public at large. For instance, if the pharmacies agree to stop the sale of the tobacco products within their premises, the young generation will have a brighter future. The shift of the smoking habit to the younger generation has been attributed to the increased number of adverts, which depict tobacco as cool and effective (Barnoya Glantz, 2005). This trend severely affects the developing nations more than the developed countries mostly because of the high levels of illiteracy that are prevalent. The future generation will therefore have a successful and long life as a result. The adolescents in the developing countries are also very vulnerable to such thrilling adverts. Their curiosity level rises and they attempt to taste the tobacco products, which consequently leads to addiction. The protection of the future generation is another critical reason for the prohibition of the sale of tobacco products in the pharmacies.


Findings from the research done by the World Health Organization and other influential health institutions have shown that the sale of tobacco in pharmacies gives rise to a number of negative health implications for the users. It is also evident that the disadvantages of selling tobacco in the pharmacies outweigh the advantages that are accrued. Common knowledge dictates that the pharmacies exist in order to offer health products to consumers. To go against this natural assumption is morally and ethically incorrect. This is because it results in misleading the public into believing that the sale of tobacco in health facilities makes the product acceptable when in essence it is quite dangerous. For this reason, it is essential that the responsible authorities ban the sale of all tobacco related products in the pharmacies. This will alleviate the excessive economic costs that are incurred by the respective governments in the production of tobacco. The rates of death will also decline considerably and there will be a marked improvement in the health of individuals. In addition, the appearance and the presentation of the users of tobacco products will change for the better because of quitting the habit of smoking.


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