The Ultimate Guide to Scooters for Kids: Everything You Need to Know

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scooters for kids

If you're looking for a way to get your kid outside and active, a scooter might be just the thing. Scooters for kids have become a popular choice for parents everywhere, and with good reason. They're easy to ride, promote balance and coordination, and provide a fun way for kids to explore their surroundings. But with so many different types of scooters on the market, it can be hard to know where to start. That's why we've put together this ultimate guide to scooters for kids.

Kick Scooters vs. Electric Scooters

There are two main types of scooters for kids: kick scooters and electric scooters. Kick scooters are powered by the rider pushing off the ground with their foot, while electric scooters are powered by a motor. Kick scooters are generally the better choice for younger kids, as they don't require any special skills or training to use. Electric scooters are better for older, more experienced riders who want a faster, more exciting ride.

Wheel Size

The size of the wheels on a scooter is an important consideration. Larger wheels are better for outdoor use, as they can handle rough, uneven terrain more easily. Smaller wheels are better for indoor use, as they provide better maneuverability. A good rule of thumb is to go for larger wheels if your kid will be using the scooter mainly outside, and smaller wheels if they'll be using it mainly inside.

Deck Size

The size of the deck on a scooter is also an important consideration. A larger deck provides more stability and is better for younger, less experienced riders. A smaller deck is better for older, more experienced riders who want a faster, more agile ride. When choosing a scooter for your child, make sure to choose a deck size that is appropriate for their age, size, and skill level.


Brakes are an important safety feature on any scooter. Kick scooters typically have a foot brake, which is activated by pushing down on the back fender with your foot. Electric scooters may have a hand brake or a foot brake, depending on the model. Make sure your child knows how to use the brakes properly before they start riding their scooter.

Safety Gear

Finally, it's important to make sure your child has the right safety gear before they start riding their scooter. This includes a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Make sure the safety gear fits properly and is comfortable for your child to wear. It's also a good idea to teach your child some basic safety rules, such as not riding their scooter in the street and always being aware of their surroundings.


Scooters for kids are a great way to get your child outside and active. When choosing a scooter for your child, consider factors like kick vs. electric, wheel size, deck size, brakes, and safety gear. With the right scooter and safety precautions, your child can enjoy hours of fun exploring their surroundings on their new ride.

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