Manual Thimble Tailstock: A must-have accessory to improve machine tool machining accuracy

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The manual thimble tailstock is is an important part of the machine tool,improving machining accuracy of machine tools. Here QKZN will explore its features.

With the continuous development of science and technology, machine tool processing technology is also constantly improving. In the process of machine tool processing, especially in turning processing, the tailstock is one of the indispensable accessories. In the tailstock, the manual thimble tailstock is an essential accessory to improve the machining accuracy of the machine tool.


What is Manual Thimble Tailstock

manual thimble tailstock

The manual thimble tailstock is an important part of the machine tool, usually used to support the tail of the workpiece. It is composed of a tailstock and a tailstock base, the tailstock base can be fixed on the machine tool, and the tailstock can move on the base. The main function of manual thimble tailstock is to support the workpiece and keep it stable, so as to ensure the machining accuracy and efficiency of the machine tool.


Features of Manual Thimble Tailstock

1. Good stability

Manufactured with high-strength materials, the manual thimble tailstock has good stability and rigidity. It can withstand large workpiece weight and cutting force, so as to ensure the machining accuracy and efficiency of the machine tool.

2. Easy to operate

The operation of manual thimble tailstock is very simple, only need to manually rotate the screw rod on the tailstock to realize the movement and fixation of the tailstock. This manual operation is not only convenient but also avoids machine failure and maintenance costs.

3. Wide range of application

Manual thimble tailstock works with a wide variety of machine tools including lathes, mills, drills, and more. It can support workpieces of different shapes and sizes to meet different processing needs.

4. High precision

Manual thimble tailstock can manually adjust the position of the chuck, so as to realize the clamping and loosening of the workpiece. This manual adjustment method can more accurately control the position and angle of the workpiece, thereby improving the machining accuracy of the machine tool.

5. Safe and reliable

The manual thimble tailstock is simple in structure and easy to use, but also very safe and reliable. During machine tool processing, the manual chuck tailstock can protect the safety of the machine tool and workpiece, and avoid accidents caused by loose workpiece or chuck failure.


In conclusion, a manual thimble tailstock is a must-have accessory to improve the machining accuracy of machine tools. During machine tool processing, manual chuck tailstock can improve machining accuracy and efficiency, and at the same time protect the safety of machine tools and workpieces.


We hope this article helps you better understand manual thimble tailstock, choose the right machine tool components, and speed up your machine! We are a manual thimble tailstock supplier, please contact us if you are interested.

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