Globe Valves Texture Issues

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In daily work, you may receive different price though for the same globe valve, non return valve, it because valves that look the same on the surface, the main reason is that valves are produced of different level material and production costs.

In daily work, you may receive different price though for the same globe valve, non return valve, it because valves that look the same on the surface, the main reason is that valves are produced of different level material and production costs.

Take a example, same type bronze stop valves made of material C83600 and C84400, the surface looks absolutely the same. Actually, C84400 is most common plumbing material, and C83600 is most popular plumbing material.

Firstly, please check the composition of both as follow: C83600 contain 5% lead, and C84400 contain 7%, Lead is added to plumbing bronze to improve machinability and ensure pressure tightness. C84400 has lower rejected rate, besides C84400 with low er copper content, The cost of raw material C84400 is relatively low, which two points enable the price economical and competitive for stop valves made of C84400.

In other side, from data of mechanical properties, C83600 is better than C84400, besides C83600 with high copper content, it enable stop valves and pipe fittings made of C83600 better anti-corrosion and more durable in using.

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