What are Dark and Darker system requirements

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The previous Dark and Darker playtest, this time around Dark And Darker Gold, Ironmace will not be splitting the leaderboard across two splits, meaning that you may have to work a little harder to reach the top spots. Nevertheless, giving players more time in Dark and Darker, and working on some of the game’s issues in the meantime, can only be a good thing ahead of the RPG’s full release.

Since the launch of the Dark and Darker demo on Steam, the game has seen upwards of 100,000 concurrent players, driving it into the top-played charts alongside mammoths such as Dota 2 and Hogwarts Legacy. Alternatively, take a look at some of the other best DnD games, or perhaps the best upcoming games that we can expect in 2023. You might also want to try some fantastic co-op games to play alongside your best buds.

What are Dark and Darker system requirements? You won’t need the best gaming PC to run the upcoming fantasy first-person DnD adventure, but the dungeon crawler’s developers reckon you should use an Nvidia RTX graphics card. Weirdly, the Dark and Darker specs list largely avoids namedropping GeForce GPU models, despite including specific AMD options.

Dark and Dark minimum requirements state you’ll need a Dark And Darker Gold Coins on par with the Nvidia RTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 580 to enter the dungeon, and any old 3GHz “quad-core CPU” will seemingly do. Pairing that combo with 8GB RAM should set you up for start-up success, but if you’re looking to boost fps in what could be a strong best RPG games 2023 contender, developer recommendations will light the way to PC specs glory.

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