Fildena 100mg Obtain A Firmer Erection When Having Sex With Your Spouse

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Since Fildena 100mg has been approved by the US government, you can obtain this medication anywhere in the world. You must have understood from this that this medication is of a high caliber and that you can use it to comfortably enjoy sex. Thus, act swiftly and purchase Fildena from our w

What Is Fildena 100mg?

Male sexual dysfunction is treated with Fildena 100mg. Men with erectile dysfunction and impotence can be treated with this Fildena medication. You can quickly increase the amount of stimulation in your penis that was lacking by taking a Fildena pill. This medication's active ingredient is a PDE inhibitor. After taking the medication, individuals will react more strongly to sexual stimulation within 30 minutes.

It can also be used to impotence treatment. The age range for which the medicine works best in men is 18 to 65. When you take the pill, the blood vessels around your penile area relax, which increases blood flow and eventually causes an erection. Compared to other ED drugs, Fildena acts more quickly and lasts for the entire six hours.

How Does 100mg of Fildena Work?

One substance found in Fildena medication is sildenafil. This medication relaxes blood vessel tissues and improves blood flow to the vaginal areas when used. By inhibiting the phosphodiesterase enzyme, taking the medication increases blood flow into blood vessels. You will thus experience a longer-lasting, firmer erection during your sexual encounters. This medication helps men achieve powerful erections during sexual activity. Men above the age of 18 shouldn't be the only ones using this medication.


Fildena Dosage

  • Fildena 100
  • Fildena 150
  • Fildena Super Active
  • Fildena 50
  • Fildena 25
  • Fildena 120
  • Fildena XXX
  • Fildena Double 200
  • Fildena Professional
  • Super Fildena
  • Fildena CT 100
  • Fildena CT 50


Instructions for Use

Men are advised to take Fildena 100 by prescription, in accordance with medical recommendations. Take a Fildena tablet half an hour or thirty minutes before sexual activity. Fildena 100 can be taken either before or after food. The medication can be swallowed with water, but it should not be broken or chewed. Alcohol and fattening meals should not be consumed when using Fildena 100 medication since they will decrease its effectiveness. The medication Fildena 100 has a 6-hour half-life. Avoid taking it regularly as it has some adverse effects. Use this medication just once every 24 hours.


Side Effects Of Fildena Tablets

  • Headache
  • Lightheadedness and/or dizziness
  • Feeling sick (nausea), sweaty or confused
  • Visual changes like increased sensitivity to light
  • Upset stomach


Additional General Cautions Consult your physician if

  • You've experienced fainting episodes before.
  • You suffer from a cardiac ailment, such as heart failure, chest pain, or an irregular pulse that occurred during the last six months.
  • Is your blood pressure elevated or lowered?
  • You suffer from clotting, bleeding, or other disorders that raise the possibility of a painful, protracted erection (priapism).
  • You have a history of bipolar disorder, depression, or other mental health issues that cause "high" or "low" moods.
  • You experience any eye conditions, such as sudden vision loss or elevated intraocular pressure (glaucoma).


Safety Measures for Fildena

Take one medication every six hours; check the medication's expiration date before purchasing; see a doctor before taking the pills; note that it is not recommended for use by women, children, or men over 60; avoid alcohol and fatty foods when taking Fildena Tablets; fildena is only for men over the age of eighteen; take medical advice seriously; and avoid self-prescription.

Why should I purchase Fildena Tablets from

These days, the marketplaces are home to several pharmacies and chemist shops that sell Fildena pills. However, they are selling phony medications that might be damaging to your health in numerous locations. The greatest place to get Fildena online is Medypharmacy. You may easily get ED pills at the best price with the various deals and discounts available on

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