To the remaining friends on the left I have

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What you should know about having Mr. Biden as your president.

To all my remaining Liberal friends who are gloating today this is for you to remember the next 4 years:

 All of you who voted for Biden better own it for the next four years if he wins(it’s looking like he may) I don’t want to hear you complain about your taxes going up or gas prices doubling. I don’t want you to complain when your health insurance cost go up even further than they already are. Don’t complain when you bring home less on your paycheck because you're being penalized for climate justice. Don’t complain when you lose your job because 11+ million illegal immigrants suddenly become legal and your employer decides to hire someone at a lower wage. Don’t complain when your job is just out right eliminated because the minimum wage is too high and your employer can no longer afford to stay open or even pay you. Don’t complain when your automotive job is eliminated because it’s shipped back to China. Don’t complain when interest rates double maybe triple and homes/automobiles aren’t as affordable as they used to be. Don’t complain when your stocks and 401k take a hit. Don’t complain when we are locked into more endless wars in the Middle East. Don’t complain when your otherwise safe communities are overrun by crime and start resembling Chicago. Don’t complain when the educational system goes down. Don’t complain when your POTS goes to a foreign country and bows to their leader. Don’t complain when your health bill premium just went back to over $1,000 for your family. Oh and that price of gas at your local gas station just was raised to over $4.00/gallon because his "Team" wanted to stop fracking. And your eyes better be 100000% open when his "Man Beto" goes after your 2nd amendment and your guns because he said he would and "Your Team" supported that. You also failed to look at the logic that he and his son may have been actually compromised by foreign countries unlike the scam that the left pushed on all of us for the last 4 years in the false Russian claim! Did you review any of the information about the Son of Mr. Biden and his laptop prior to your vote? Did that even bother you? You obviously didn’t vote your paycheck, common sense, your future or your children or with your grandkids future in mind. You voted your “Feelings”! You voted against the one and only NON-POLITICIAN IN WASHINGTON who is actually doing shit for you and your family! Did you hear that? You voted out the one person who is actually on your side and NOT in the pocket of a foreign country, big PHARMA or some national media or social justice group! Yes, the man in the big chair who worked for $1.00 per year 20 hours a day and didn’t take crap from anyone you want out! How pathetic! Also remember Senator Harris said “We will use California as the model for the rest of the nation”! (Have you seen what is going on in California?) You voted for Mr. Biden because since day one you were told to Hate the Orange Man, you followed every show on the “VIEW” hoping that those fools would trash talk the President more each day! You fell in love with late night TV SNL skits showing fools who tried to make your president look stupid or not successful! You tried to call him a “Racist” but failed because he lowered unemployment for people of color LOWER than any other President in HISTORY, yet you failed to look at that FACT! You followed all the major news outlets like they were honey and you were the Bee, they could do no wrong! Even when proven by actual facts they were wrong, your blinders stopped your thought process because you were so upset at a business person being your president you just could not stand it! You wanted that “IMAGE” of a calm cool collected person standing at the podium telling you just what you “Wanted” to hear, not what you WERE hearing! You were so narrow minded that you could not conceive that a very successful business person would give up his way of life and actually work for the people and do a better job of doing it than 99% of any other politician! Again Shame on you! You screamed when CNN showed photos of children in “Cages” at ICE detention facilities, you protested in front of those facilities and blocked ICE from going in Yet you forgot the=at Mr. Biden Mr. Obama actually built those enclosures, but who cares about FACTS! Right, the Big Bad Orange Man did it and we will blame him! Idiots all of you!. You FAILED to logically look at the FACTS! You fell into the “SNOWFLAKE” and “TDS” syndromes lock stock and barrel!

Talk about being tolerant! Ha, that went out the door in 2008!

 And you forgot to ask yourself a really basic question "If Mr. Biden can do this now why didn't he do it in the last 47 years he held office?"

Unfortunately facts don’t care about your feelings and you will soon (sadly) learn this under a Biden/Harris administration. Just own it.

Now, am I mad? No, just disappointed in You my remaining friends on the left, very disappointed. But I won’t run out and riot in the streets and break into businesses because we didn’t win this time, no…..what I will do is be ready to fight like hell against each and every thing that this new administration might try to do to take away YOUR MY future! That you can bank on…

Copy pasted from a friend’s and added more by me. Every last word of this is true and if you don’t think so then time will tell…..Feel free to add your thoughts and share with others……It still is a free country for another 2 months…


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