Second Term Producing Events

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Second Term Producing Events Second Term Producing Events


The last 2-term republican president was George W. Bush. He held that office from 2001-2009. The next to last 2-term republican president was Ronald Reagan from 1981-1989. Before Reagan, one has to go all the way back to Dwight Eisenhower to find a 2-term republican president. Ike was president from 1953-1961. Since FDR* who was president starting in 1933, only 3 republican presidents have served 2 terms.

An exceptional historical event accompanied each of these three 2-term republican presidents; an event which carried each president into a 2nd term in office; a so-called Second Term Producing Event (STPE). A STPE is one that 1) unifies the voices of power and influence, and 2) can not be easily distorted by opposing forces.

George W. Bush was inaugurated in January 2001. In September 2001 9/11 occurred. Ronald Reagan was inaugurated in January 1981. In March 1981 Reagan survived an assassination attempt taking a bullet in the chest. Dwight Eisenhower was inaugurated in January 1953. Eisenhower was a war hero who led America through arguably the most exceptional historical event of the 20th century, World War II. Each of these events was a STPE for their respective president.

The Universal Truth of Division (UTD) says that division leads to failure. The inverse of this truth is that unity leads to strength and success.

The COVID-19 virus originated in the Wuhan province of Communist China in late 2019. By early 2020 COVID-19 had caused a global pandemic. By any standard the COVID-19 pandemic is an exceptional historical event. The inverse of the UTD impies that had the centers of power and influence of the U.S. united in the fight against the pandemic, there would have been fewer COVID infections and deaths. However, it may also have resulted in turning the fight against COVID-19 into a STPE for President Trump.

Thus, for the Combined Forces of the Democratic Party, the Mainstream Media, the Deep State, Hollywood, Big Tech, Big Pharma, the Judiciary and many Republicans, the strategy was clear: division and failure in the fight against COVID-19. In point of fact, the U.S. has the 8th highest COVID death rate and 24th highest COVID Case-Fatality Ratio, [3]. Nevertheless, the perception of failure created by the Combined Forces was sufficient to prevent the fight against COVID from becoming a STPE.

However repugnant it may seem, this strategy is in line with Rule 8 of the Combined Forces' playbook [1]

        “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”

Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)

A cursory list of attacks would include the Russia Hoax, 25th Amendment Hoax, Steele Dossier, 2 year long Special Counsel, Impeachment Hoax, Obstruction Hoax and COVID-19. More detailed accounts of the relentless attacks on the Trump White House from Mainstream Media and Big Tech can be found in the annual reports of the Media Research Center [2].

If there was ever any doubt of the ruthlessness of the Combined Forces one must only recall their willingness to pursue a strategy which sacrificed innocent American lives to achieve their objective of winning the presidency. In light of this, election fraud almost seems like a minor offense.



* FDR was chosen since his presidency issued in the 22 Amendment limiting the presidency to 2 terms.





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