MMOexp: The Comet Azure build is one of the most popular

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We can do baby versions that won't deal nearly as much damage but can catch people out especially in things

8 - Ancient Dragon's Lightning Strike Build

We now have a build based around one incantation rather than a weapon and that is of Elden Ring Runes course the boss destroying ancient dragon lightning strike. Straight to the point on this one, the incantation is able to dish out huge numbers of Fear One well-timed cast which you can charge up to deal more damage. Even against the end game bosses were able to see say 10 000 in a Charged cast which is incredible and the reason behind that is the multiple hits the enchant can snag on bosses, especially the larger ones. You send out the red lightning in a wave around you, striking multiple times as it passes through targets especially if multiple beams of lightning can hit one target like a larger one. There are many ways to boost this damage and basically in an all-in PVE focus build, you can get things like the Jellyfish Shield buff shocking through boss Health every time you cast it especially fully charged.

In PvP, it's a very commonly seen incantation for any faith build great for trading, because it covers a really large area while dealing amazing damage, so in new modes like free for all or Team Deathmatch or in any invasion, you can catch multiple targets even multiple times especially if you're casting it from off screen making it much more consistent. But like in duals, you can make it trading wonder one mistake on a roll timing and they're going to get hit by this thing forcing them to trade into it is even better because they're forcing themselves to take that nasty hit. Those are consistent ways to improve the damage without those major downsides in a more PVP-focused build.

7 - The Comet Azur Build

The Comet Azure build is one of the most popular and well-known concepts in Elden Ring. It's using the sorcery Comet Azure to shoot, which is basically a magic laser beam that you can hold and channel at a target from a good range. By buffing up the damage of its magic through a wide variety of ways, you can make that initial hit deal great damage and then while holding it on a target, so they're standing in the constant channel is a line of pain where the damage will simply evaporate whatever stays inside of it. We have ways to increase how long you can hold that channel like the wondrous physic that lets you have infinite FP for a short period of time, it doesn't really work well in PvP though where all that setup in the channel isn't remotely effective, or functional.

We can do baby versions that won't deal nearly as much damage but can catch people out especially in things like free-for-all and off-camera shots, even then it's not exactly a reliable way to best place to buy elden ring items play PVP.

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