Carefully Choose Your Space...

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Here is something to consider...
What space are you giving your energy to?

Choosing our space...
Here is something to consider...
What space are you giving your energy to?

We have a quota of energy to go about our business. When our energy runs out, we stop being efficient, effective, clear, and prosperous.

The problem is the demands that are being made on our energy.

If we don't guard ourselves, we end up spending more than we can afford, and this is unhealthy and unbalances us over time.

One of the surest ways to waste our energy, is to accept invitations into "spaces" that will do us no good.

To keep this short, these are spaces created by manipulators who want to use our energy for their own gain and their own power. They want us to plug into them so that they can harvest our power.

The problem with this is that it drains our energy, like a battery being emptied of its reserves. When the battery is empty, the light that it is able to power in a dark world, fades away. When we accept an invitation to enter such spaces, they (the manipulators), grow brighter, and stronger, while we grow weaker and dimmer.

Now consider this in the context of the space called "politics."

An incredible amount of energy is being poured into the political space ... but at what cost to us? At what cost to you? At what cost to your peace? Your wellbeing? Your security? Your hope? And, your future?

It is an exchange...

Your potential lost, for theirs gained.

Your time and energy wasted, for their power.

And so on.

A New Life

With this in mind, what would your life (and mine), look like if we took the same energy, and did not enter their space, but focused on a space of our own, so that we could build something constructive with great results for us and our families?

Instead of being held captive by the box and its talking, whining, jeering, and complaining heads, what will your life look like when you step into a space created by a community of compelling, positive people who are spending their time and energy on building a better future for all?

When we step out of dark spaces, we find we are free to enjoy light.

When we break loose of manipulators who have been draining us all along, we find we have more time, hope, and energy to spend on our selves, our businesses, our families, and our futures.

The answer to darkness is not to enter its space, and then go to war with its inhabitants who are likewise searching for the light.

The answer is to flip on the light switch!

Then we can see things as we should ... and that ... is incredibly liberating!

Let's build a better future together.

Americans for America.


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