Plastic Regulatory: Governing the Use of Plastics to Curb Environmental Pollution

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unchecked plastic use has led to severe environmental pollution. Piles of plastic waste clog landfills and water bodies, harming wildlife and ecosystems. Microplastics from degraded plastic products also contaminate soil and water sources.

Plastics have become an integral part of our daily lives due to their versatility and low cost. However, unchecked plastic use has led to severe environmental pollution. Piles of plastic waste clog landfills and water bodies, harming wildlife and ecosystems. Microplastics from degraded plastic products also contaminate soil and water sources. To tackle the plastic pollution menace, governments worldwide are implementing stricter plastic regulatory.

Banning Single-Use Plastics

Many countries have imposed partial or complete bans on single-use Plastic Regulatory items like bags, straws, cups and cutlery. These constitute a major portion of plastic waste. India was the first country to ban six single-use plastic items nationally in 2022. The European Union too has prohibited some single-use plastic products. Such bans aim to curb plastic waste at the source by discouraging unnecessary plastic usage. However, implementation remains a challenge due to lack of affordable alternatives and strong monitoring mechanisms. Public support and behavior change are equally important factors for the success of bans.

Deposit-Return Schemes for Plastic Packaging

Deposit-return schemes require consumers to pay an extra amount as a deposit for plastic beverage bottles and food containers at the time of purchase. This deposit is refunded when items are returned after use. Countries like Germany have seen great results with deposit return programs recovering over 98% of plastic beverage containers. When implemented efficiently with convenient drop-off points, such economic incentives motivate consumers to return used plastic packaging for recycling instead of tossing it in the garbage. Several states in the US and countries like India are exploring deposit-return systems for tackling plastic waste.


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