New World Settlements And Territories Newbie Guide

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Here's what you need to be aware of about territories and settlements in New World, and how you can best take advantage of their benefits. Settlements are the primary points of entry in every territory. You go there to craft or sell and purchase items, and perform different tasks, an

 Settlements also host each faction's representative. It is the reason you visit settlements to accept and turn in faction missions which help the faction you are a part of.

What Are Territories?

After playing through the opening sequence of the game, you'll be placed on a beach , one of the game's multiple beginning areas. Opening the map, you'll discover that the map is divided into several zones, each of which has a settlement in the middle. These zones are known as territories. Each one is designed for specific levels, with the starter zone suited to players of levels one through 25.

When you complete missions, crafting, mining resources or anything else productive in a territory, you'll get territorial standing. As you gain territory standing, you'll unlock different benefits, such as a 5 percent increase in the rate of resource gathering. You'll be able to enhance your perks, too, and they can quickly multiply. It's recommended that you invest your points into only one or two benefits at a given time to maximize their benefits.

What's in Settlements?

Settlements are the towns and villages that are typically located near the center of the zone. Settlements function as the literal hub of these zones -They're the places you'll find crafting stations, the market and inns.

When you zoom in on the map you'll see how the settlement can be laid out. When you complete the initial tasks, the game will walk you through finding different parts of your starting settlement and how each does.

Staking a claim and working as a unit is a vital step to achieving dominance in New World. Aeternum is divided into distinct Territories, many of with their own Settlements and Fort. To find out more on how you can own a piece of Aeternum we spoke in conversation with Lead Systems Designer, John Liberto, to discuss the details of settlements and governance in the New World.

What is the best way to claim an amount from a Settlement?

"During the initial phases of the game, players must choose between one of three Factions (more on them in a future Developer Blog). After you have chosen a Faction it is possible to create or join an Company. If a Company is established it is inherited by it the Faction of its creator. Companies are able to gain control and gain the Territory as well as the Settlement or Fort that it contains."

"If the Territory is not under control it is as easy as paying the claim fee to the territory's Fort. When the Territory is owned by a company, the Territory has to be governed by War, which can only be conducted between companies belonging to different Factions. We'll explore more about War as well as its related mechanisms in a different article, so stay tuned for this."

How can you tell the difference between a Settlement and a Fort?

"A Settlement is where players have homes, build and refine objects, trade, go on Faction Missions, as well as socialize. The Fort of the Territory is the major security point for an Territory. It's what's when it is attacked during War (PvP) or Invasion (PvE), and it's where players need to be to claim an unclaimed Territory."

What is the process to become a Governor?

"The head of the Company is referred to as a Governor. The first time a company's Governor is the person who created the company. When the Company assumes control over the Territory and the Governor of the Company also becomes"Gov. of the controlled Territory."

What are you able to do as Governor?

"Ultimately, the Faction that the Company shares with is the real supreme ruler of the Territory. Companies serve as a agent for the Faction they are part of. As a Governor, your responsibility is to control your Territory for your Faction. Additionally, you are responsible to upgrade and maintain the standard of living in your Settlement by launching Town Projects that result in Settlement enhancements when they are completed. Dues , in the form Territory Upkeep must be paid to the Faction you company is a part of. To pay this maintenance, the Governor can adjust fees and taxes within their Settlement to make sure that tourists and Residents help to pay the expenses as they create trade, invest, and reside in their houses. They also can improve the appeal of their Settlement to buy a home by focusing on particular upgrades for particular types of players."

What is a Consult? And what is their role?

"A Consul is a Governor's second in command. A Company can have as many or as few Consuls as it likes. Consuls have nearly all the same permissions and powers as Governors for the Company and the territory they manage. A Consul will, in the end, perform the same things that the Governor would need to accomplish in the Governor's absence. The Governor's position can be a demanding role to play in New World; the Consul position in a Company can be a means for Governors to share a portion of their responsibilities with Company members whom they trust."

How can you improve your Settlement?

"A Settlement's Crafting and Refining Stations can be upgraded. The upgrade of these stations allows for better quality and more powerful products that can be produced by players who work there. Furthermore, the Territory's Lifestyle Buffs as well Fort Upgrades are managed through the governor. Lifestyle Buffs are powerful and long-term rewards for crafting and combat that only apply to the Territory's residents.

Residents are people who have homes within your Settlement. If a player does not have a home in a Settlement, they won't receive the territory's Lifestyle Buffs. Similar to other upgrades the Lifestyle Buffs are activated by Town Projects that are set by the managing Company."

What is Town Projects?

"Town Projects are large scale tasks that can be undertaken with one another to improve their Settlement. Town Projects require a significant amount of effort and investment from not just the controlling Company, but also the players that call that Settlement home. Town Projects are activated by the Governor of the Settlement or one of their Consuls. Once the Town Project is active, players in the town are able to take on missions to move the Project towards its completion. These missions will award XP or the currency (among various other items) However, they are more important because they advance an existing Town Project. Let's take an example: you're looking to upgrade your Settlement's Forge. This will allow Weapon and armor makers to make better quality weapons and armor for their adventures. To accomplish this you must activate the "Upgrade Forge" Town Project and then you, your company, and anyone else living in town can work together in order to complete the work."

What is the process of adjusting a level in a Settlement either go up or down?

"Each moment an Town Project completes, the Settlement grows. Settlements begin to fall when the Upkeep has not been paid to the ruling Faction or when players fail to ward off the threat of a Corrupted Invasion. We'll look into Corrupted invasions more deeply on our road towards Closed Beta."

How can I sign up to an Settlement?

"While you are able to avail all the benefits of any Settlement it is possible to join one by buying a home there. Any person can reside in any house, in any Settlement, irrespective of the Faction they live in or the Company currently manages the Territory. If the Territory change hands, residents of Settlements are usually not affected, except from any tax changes or upgrades and lifestyle Buffs those the new Controlling Company might make. We'll be providing more information on player housing in the next Developer blog. Whether you aspire to be an Governor, a valued citizen, or wandering around, settlements are a place you'll be looking to settle in and fight to protect."

Governors are the leaders of Companies and the rulers of Territories. They have the situation of being able to define their authority and the lives of people who reside there. They could be a representative of the people or be a ruler with a firm hand. What will you do with the power?

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