PowerPoint studied the extreme thousand

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Successful language communication in Standard Arabic (recently, reading and writing) in appropriate situations

PowerPoint studied the extreme thousand, language competencies 3, course system, 1441
General objectives of the course:

Successful language communication in Standard Arabic (recently, reading and writing) in appropriate situations

- The skills of understanding texts (read and listening), analyzing and evaluating them.

Follow different strategies for reading: according to its goal: descriptive, exploratory, rapid, focused, analytical or critical reading, and according to the type of text: religious, scientific, literary or functional.

Study and self-learning skills.

تحضير تربية فنية رابع ابتدائي فصل ثالث

Skills: scientific, critical and creative.


Determining the functions and grammatical patterns in the texts.

Distinguish between grammatical concepts related to the grammatical functions of Arabized words.

- Verify the correctness of the texts he writes or prepares to deliver.


Achieving an orderly, sound and effective speech.

Using classical Arabic to express his ideas and purposes in different linguistic situations.

- Using linguistic, mental, and communication strategies to influence and persuade others.

Respect the etiquette of dialogue, listening, and the etiquette of differing opinions.

Taking into account the sociolinguistic norms and the circumstances surrounding the discourse; To produce or understand speech.

Written Competencies:

Apply basic skills of written expression

Using different methods of expression according to the purpose of writing: cognitive, narrative, persuasive, functional or emotional writing.

- Employing rhetorical methods and persuasive strategies to clarify the idea and make it brighter and more effective.

Ensure that what he writes is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Use of importance in understanding the semantics of the text in their appropriate places.

General objectives of the course system

The secondary school course system aims to bring about a qualitative leap in secondary education, with its objectives, structures, methods and contents, and seeks to achieve the following:

 Contribute to achieving the goals of the education policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including:
 Strengthening the Islamic faith by which the student's view of the universe, man and life in this world and the hereafter is straightened.
 Promoting citizenship and social values.
 Contribute to providing female learners with the appropriate amount of useful knowledge and skills, according to a systematic planning that takes into account the characteristics of female students at this stage.
 Holistic personal development of the student; Diversify the educational experiences provided to them.
 Reducing wastage of time and costs, by reducing repetition and stumbling in studies and the resulting psychological, social and economic problems, as well as not repeating the entire academic year.
 Reducing and concentrating the number of courses that the student studies in one semester.
 Develop the student's ability to make the right decisions in her future, which deepens her confidence and increases her interest in school, as long as she studies based on her choice and according to her abilities, and in the school she wants.
 Raising the level of achievement and behavior by accustoming the student to seriousness and perseverance.

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