3 yrs - Youtube

Paul Washer shows what is the authority in the church today and it's not man.
Gal. 4:19​ "My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you "

American Christians are not use to leaving their homes and businesses to flee from all they know because they refused to bow the knee to modern day Bael. One man with his extended family and even his PASTOR were forced to leave CHICAGO recently because they would not say THREE WORDS. Find out more during the podcast that was live TODAY.

American Family Radio - Juan Elias-Riesco of the renowned Nini’s Deli in Chicago steps into “The Corner” - Part 1

American Family Radio - Juan Elias-Riesco of the renowned Nini’s Deli in Chicago steps into “The Corner” - Part 1

Our mission is to give voice to the American Family Association and to inform, equip, and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture, and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Com
3 yrs - Youtube

You've never seen this before. The Life of Christ Jesus done in a multi-season show. Not owned by a worldly corporation. Paid for by believers for the expressed purpose of bringing the Gospel to the world. Watch, and share, the entire first season for a limited time on youtube for free!


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