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-QUERCETIN 1,000 mlgr in capsules, (zinc and quercetin must be taken together)
-zinc 50 mg
-vitamin C 1000 mlg in powder
-VITAMINA D3 1,000
The protocol usually takes about 7 days, rest is recommended. This manmade virus does not allow for immunity or herd immunity. One can be re-contaminated time and again.

Quercetin with Zinc is the same as hydroxychloroquine, and the list from one physician alone reports that 20,000 people got healed from COVID using this protocol plus vitamin C. (use quercetin 1,000 mlgr and in capsule with zinc)

The use of a heating pad is of great use to combat COVID, if you got the strain that attacks the lungs, make sure you place the heating pad on your back and lay in bed--rest is necessary for at least 7 days-- if the intestine is the most affected area, lower the heating pad to the back of your waist-- if it had affected your brain and you are having symptoms of dementia, placing the heating pad on top of your head and you may consider contact a physician who can prescribe IVERMECTIN. If you need Ivermectin because the brain has been infected or even if you want to start your treatment with Ivermectin, then you need to TEXT2MD to get a list of names of physicians to prescribe the drug for you for a very small, symbolic fee. To get the medication with discount you need to go to GOOD RX and they will give you 87% discount AFTER YOU GOT your prescription over the phone or the internet. YOU CAN use “My Free Doctor” to get your prescription. THOSE are physicians all over the world that are fighting depopulation and help to save lives. In India, when caught early, people are getting healed by using a sauna. COVID will not survive the INDUCED heat, even the sun helps to fight covid

IMPORTANT G O O D N E W S Our president is working, as usual, to save our country. HERE IS THE PLAN: Mike Lindell--check his non-censorship social media platform that will be operating soon---is bringing to the Supreme Court law suits to defend himself and his company that had been target by the Dominion criminals and Democrats. It looks like they have place a cord around their own necks. NOW THE SUPREME COURT HAS TO HEAR THE CASE AND WEIGHT THE EVIDENCES. To top it off, Mike will place all the info. on his non-censorship platform and when he says non-censorship we can believe that; he is a strong, if the courts enforce their rights, we still have to ask..who is going to remove the impostor seating at the white house? And if they do--we all know that our country and many other countries are being ruled by the intelligence agencies and the UN, who is going to stop the chemtrails/natural disasters...because no matter the political body that is occupying the right place, if we don't stop the depopulation program, nothing else will work. YET, ONCE OUR PRESIDENT IS BACK WHERE HE BELONGS...WE CAN HAVE HOPE THAT GOD WILL BRING US SOME PEACE

#fightingslaughter #depopulation #survival

HIGH ALERT: you all know that we are under the most dangerous attack: depopulation! Freezing, virus, criminal migration, CIA/FBI attacks (anyone here that does not know that the massacre in Las Vegas included an helicopter shooting people on the ground?)…anyhow, let’s focus in what we can do…for now, we can join ‘we love Trump’ newsletter BUT ABOVE ALL, PRAYING THE IMPRECATORY PRAYERS , passing the information to large congregations—making sure they are not receiving money from soros—( I really believe that our president needs to open his own PAC)… You may have seen and a patriot who started a site to help people to get involved in local voting etc. etc.

And while I respect and admire him and his efforts, he involved his family to help this country, but he was in Maricopa (did I misspelled this city ??) and it didn’t help. I’M SORRY TO SAY THAT I DOLN’T BELIVE VOTING IS GOING TO DO ANYTHING… it hasn’t…but, as I said, here is what we can do…send technical information to large Christian churches and when you do that, please address the main pastor. Otherwise your email may be lost.

I will post here the technical details about WHAT THOSE GLOBALISTS ARE DOING TO create hurricanes, tornados, freezing weather and we are no match to this…. Even the Bermuda Triangle is engineered …THERE IS TWO WAYS TO GET OUT OF THIS MESS. Of course we start with prayers, then we either hope and pray that the military will step in…and that would be a partial solution OR WE HOPE AND PRAY THAT OUR PRESIDENT WILL BE ABLE TO NEGOCIATE THINGS WITH A GLOBAL COMMUNITY TO BRING DOWN THIS GLOBAL AGENDA TO KILL HUMANITY. THIS IS NOT A SMALL SCALE AND NO ONE CAN DO IT ALONE.

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