Hi Everyone - was able to raise another $450 and send on to OCRE in Uganda on Tuesday - enough to cover the children slated to start school in April (including Santolina and the two Glorias pictured here).
If you haven't had a chance to contribute yet, please do so. We still need to raise another $450 by the end of the month for complete coverage of the 1st term before seeking funds for term 2. Every little bit truly helps!

More support options at: https://usocre.com/support


Just $847 needed to support all our students for term 1!

Please help us support the great work that Vicky and OCRE are doing to help children like Jude and Savior (below) pursue their education and a brighter future



An updated picture on our friend Robert - Robert is all ready to start school next month; he has been practicing building at his free time. Prayers for a successful year!

Please consider supporting Robert and the other 62 children we serve at: https://usocre.com/support


Sharing a recent photo of Winny (left) and Peace (right) - two of the children we're supporting to attend school!

To date, we've only been able to raise a portion of the funds needed to support them and the other 61 children to attend school. While we have a great start ($1,100 raised and spent), more is needed to finish off full participation in term 1 ( about another $1,00, and a similar amount ($2,000+ for term 2).

Please consider supporting this important effort - https://usocre.com/support

If you have any questions, please let me know and I would be happy to answer them!

#education #uganda #injesusname


Welcome to US OCRE on USA.Life! My hope with this effort is to both build funding support for the long term independence and success of a wonderful group of people and to share insights about the Ugandan culture as seen through the eyes of my colleagues who work to improve the lives of their neighbors.

I hope you will join us in this journey as we seek to support the education of 63 children from the Arua district in Uganda! For more info, please visit our website: https://www.usocre.com

Über Uns

An initiative to support the education of 63 children living in Arua district, Uganda

AWeber Smart Designer