
We have all heard of the birth of Jesus and the close escape from Jerusalem to Egypt when Herod went off his rocker and took it to a horrific extreme to see Jesus extinguished as a small child. After being snubbed by the 3 wise men, Herod goes after all male children 2 years and younger so it is anyone's guess how old Jesus was when the angel told them to escape. The Bible doesn’t really give information as to how long they were in Egypt. Herod ended up dying approximately 2 years after they escaped.

Between birth and 12 the book of Luke states; “The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.” We can see at the age of 12 what Jesus had been doing. Joseph, being a carpenter by trade, tells us Jesus would have developed some skills in that area. Since this is a physical job, Jesus would have been physically strong. Jesus also spent much of His time in study. I don’t believe that Jesus, being born from a virgin by the Holy Spirit, enabled Him with perks that are not available to all of us. Jesus’s knowledge of the word of God impressed the teachers in the temple at the age of 12. Jewish children of that day had to memorize the scriptures. Jesus didn’t only memorize them, but He impressed the teachers at the age of 12. So He was definitely one of the smartest kids in His class.

He also had better focus than most 12 year olds. When his parents had lost track of him for 3 days and worried and scolded Him the response was not that of a typical 12 year old. “Why is it that you were looking for me? Did you not know that I had to be in my Father’s House?” He wondered why His parents didn’t think to look first in the temple. He was also aware of who He really was at that age as this is the same temple that 21 years later He overturned tables and called the vendors a den of vipers. This temple is where the presence of God was and it obviously held some importance for Jesus.

After the incident in the temple Luke states; “And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Not only did He continue to study but Jesus also continued to work hard physically and “increased in stature” also. Basically, Jesus was that good kid that people liked to be around. He worked and studied hard and had a great, likable disposition. He knew who His Father was and was very focused. But what impresses me the most was that He never sinned even in His childhood. He was good at what He set His mind to and didn’t flaunt His success showing a maturity well beyond His age. People who flaunt their successes are usually not very likable.

Due to a humble disposition coupled with His successes, Jesus would have been that kid that everyone would have either wanted to hang around with or was despised due to jealousy. Have a great day.



Unlike some people I like the beginning of a good book. You can see much of the personality of the author and the direction they want to take you in that first chapter.

John 1:1-5 - “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

You can’t get to know who Jesus was in the flesh if you don’t know who He was in the beginning. I love how John felt that this was so important that he starts his gospel out with this description. We know that God is 3 parts. We also know that He created us “in His image” meaning that we are also 3 parts. All 3 parts making up one. Before Jesus was flesh, He was the spoken part of God. All things created were spoken into existence.

I have had discussions with those who think that Jesus was a great man and prophet but still just a man. My first question is, have you ever met just a man who didn’t require a man to be born? Mary was, in fact, a virgin at the time of Jesus' birth. If they haven’t denied that fact and run off in a huff then I ask a second question. Who do you know that lived to the age of 33 and never once sinned? If they have a difficult time believing that fact, then nothing you say will benefit the conversation and it’s time to move on. The darkness will never comprehend the light and hopefully they will see that light later in their lives before it’s too late.

I have had discussions with those who deny God is a 3 part entity and Jesus was a separate entity, like a very powerful angel that was created. They don’t believe in the “trinity” described in the bible. I ask, how is it that you can believe that you are 3 parts, body, soul, spirit yet God is not? My second question. Since it’s obvious that you have not seen God with your eyes, how do you see Him when we are “in His image?” I don’t understand why we make God’s Word so difficult when allowing it to interpret itself is really quite simple. God’s Word is only difficult because we try to make it what it isn’t for our own justification.

Jesus was the spoken Word of God which all creation was created and science has no other explanation that holds any water to explain how everything is what it is. They have theories and many of them. All of which conflict with each other. Stephen Hawking dissected every theory and in the end stated that although he still refused to believe in the Christian God, the only thing that made sense to him was that a very powerful mind, an omnipotent being of some kind had to be behind it all. He did finally come to the conclusion that our existence had to be by design. It was mathematically impossible for it to have happened by chance.

Get a glimpse of this Light. He was the force behind what created everything. He was that piece of God that became flesh inside of a virgin. He lived 33 years without committing sin and became all of our sin so that everything that we who were created through Him may continue to live a life of eternity. All we need to do is see and believe. Have a great day.


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