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Back to Basics 101
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Back in December my wife lost her job of 13+ years due to covid or that is what the manager said. Since then she has diligently looked as required to receive unemployment after winning a protest by her former employer of her eligibility. Today my wife had an interview with an assistant living facility for the job of cleaning rooms. Before leaving she was asked if she had or would get the covid vaccine. She said she would, but I am not thrilled based upon everything that I am hearing. Are we now a society that is forced into things we disagree with, to travel or simply get a job. If people are tested before going into work, should that not be sufficient? Her sisters and mom have all opted for the shot, but wonder if they have heard what I have or are simply buying the media's line. I find it interesting tho that even with a shot or two, little has changed...mask, social distancing, some restrictions still remain despite being told the vaccine works. I am not against "health" in fact I spend much of my time promoting health, but thru natural ways. Prevention starts with overall good health and that starts with "us". Only we can chose. Vaccines that really haven't been thoroughly vetted for safety to prevent a virus that is over 99.9% treatable. We can chose to simply react when something happens or be proactive in trying to prevent that "something" from happening. 3196104290

Enclosed is a letter sent by the President of a company called Vollara. This letter highlights technology that is effective at combating many viruses, bacteria, and others. Long before "covid 19" became a household name, we were exposed to many different things. The flu affects 10's of millions each year, killing 10's of thousand each year and there is very little is just a fact of life...but does it have to be? Our overall health "matters" and what we get if anything or how we respond if we do. The CDC said months ago at the height of this pandemic that ONLY 6% of the so called deaths from covid, were people who were otherwise healthy with no other problems. At the time of that study and what the numbers, the 6% were 3 to 4 times more likely to die in an automobile accident than from covid. Health starts with what we put in our bodies, but also with what we surround our bodies with...bad air, contaminated surfaces, chemically exposed environments etc. In other words...nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxicity. My goal with this Page is to share what I have learned over my 20+ health journey. Sadly that journey began thinking I had cancer, but luckily didn't, but now would do anything to never feel that fear again and so far, so good. Check out this site as well by typing this in the search box.... (Physically type in search bar, don't click on link) This site will provide a lot of information on space age technology that can change our lives and help us get back to normal. For all of my friends, please share this with your friends. Everyone has a different view about health, but the more information we have at our finger tips, the better. To contact me you can call 3196104290 or email abiearconTammy and Doug PS: for some reason when I type reagan in my email address it shows doug and tammy, not just reagan.


Here is just another example of NASA Technology at work "protecting us" anytime/anywhere. Yes, we can wipe down areas at any given time with chemicals to kill germs, but what about the air. Are mask as effective as we are told...there are studies that make the case for both sides of the argument. When you buy the disposable mask and it says..."for non- medical use', what is that telling you. The Fresh Air Personal that you can wear around your neck, gives you the protection from airborne problems...anytime/anywhere. 3196104290



When I joined and quit Facebook, I lost the ability to communicate with the 1000+ people who had liked my page and assume when posting, those people would see what I posted. My goal with this site since 2015 has been to provide information about health. I am no expert, just someone who has experienced life and learned by trial and error and making mistakes. Health is a journey and it starts with acknowledging the importance. Like an alcoholic, it starts with saying the words...I'm an Alcoholic. For me it took a crisis or so I thought to realize health wasn't a given and isn't a given, it takes work. I hope that for my friends who see this post, they will share my page with your friends. I believe the information I share on this Page can be beneficial, as I am doing what I am posting and so far so good at 66. At times I actually say I feel better now than at 44 when I started this journey. Unlike a car that can be traded in or junked when wore out, we don't have that choice. What we have is all we have and it is up to each of us to maintain it, rather than hope for the best. Enclosed is a video about water, filtration, and energy. We are mostly water and it is a BIG DEAL I hope you like this and contact me should you have questions. Arnie Benning 3196104290

Hydration University - Living Water Lab:  How Water Companies Lie...Don't Be Misled at the Expense of Your Family's Health! on Vimeo

Hydration University - Living Water Lab: How Water Companies Lie...Don't Be Misled at the Expense of Your Family's Health! on Vimeo

I reveal my family's journey to find the best water filter after our hair analysis revealed mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and fluoride. This is a MUST WATCH…

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