The one and only tool in your tool bag you need to get 434% MORE pages indexed and ranked by Google ...

So, yesterday I wrote you about a company that was able to spike their blog's relevant traffic by 3.5 times and that gained 434% MORE pages indexed and ranked by Google.

Remember that?

If you don't, go check out my last missive.

Anyway, the secret to their success actually isn't so secret or mysterious. In fact, it boils down to about four things.

1. Create a lot more content

2. Create that content faster and more consistently

3. Ensure the content is optimized for search engines (if you're writing blog posts or Web content)

4. Ensure the content you create is distributed well beyond your own Web assets

You might think, "Well crap ... I don't have time to create MORE content. I can barely keep up with what I'm putting out right now!"

However, did I say anywhere that YOU need to be the one creating that content? Did I say your in-house writer has to bend over backwards and twist into a pretzel to produce what you ACTUALLY ought to be producing?


No I did not.

The company mentioned above didn't go from having a 500 word blog posted once a week to having 2,000 word posts (that Google loves) posted TWICE a week by doing everything themselves.

That much, I can tell you.

So here's the deal, if you didn't read that company's case study yesterday, here's the link.

Go check it out.

Let me know what you think.

- Will


If you're still holding on to the limiting mindset that only certain types of marketing work, or that only specific types work for YOU (you special snowflake, you) ... then you should probably pass on reading that case study.

AWeber Smart Designer