If you're in the habit of using the phrase “I decree and declare,” better make sure WHAT YOU ARE DECLARING IS THE WORD OF GOD and nothing less. The Enemy responds to nothing else. Plus, our words don’t have power behind them AS GOD’S WORD DOES. God does not want us declaring and decreeing our own words. TRUE POWER AND TRUTH ARE CONTAINED IN GOD’S WORD ONLY . . . and that is the only thing that renders the Enemy defense-LESS and power-LESS.

It is heartbreaking to see some of the memes posted in FB Christian groups. “God is going to give you a breakthrough tomorrow – just type AMEN.” That is the kind of statement that is unsupported scripturally. If you declare something other than God’s Word, it is nothing less than Witchcraft and it will have no effect on the Enemy whatsoever. Know and understand the INHERENT POWER of God's Word and use it accordingly. It is both a defensive and offensive spiritual weapon.

Note that Jesus not only quoted the Word of God to the Enemy (see John 14:15, 21-24) but HE OBEYED IT! You cannot have one without the other Warriors!

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