#pentecost SPECIAL: Website audit + 1-page preview of your next website! Learn more at https://tfp.digital.

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Going from the Red Sea to Sinai and from the #resurrection to Pentecost is going from Glory to Glory. This is about #israel and the Disciple’s fifty days of lessons 1500 years apart, and it prepared them for the Glory.

Bitter waters were made clean; manna fell from the sky; a cloud of glory by day and a pillar of fire by night led the children of Israel. Their entire existence was supernatural, yet they found a way to be a negative and murmuring people because they lived in the wilderness.

The Road to Emmaus the disciples were discouraged because they were looking at the end time prophets for #yeshua to be their deliverer, but now he is dead… They were devastated.

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Image: ?ℎ? ????? ?? ????ℎ by Gérard Jollain, 1670.


#pentecost SPECIAL: Website audit + 1-page preview of your next website!

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Going from the Red Sea to Sinai and from the #resurrection to #pentecost is going from Glory to Glory. This is about #israel and the Disciple’s fifty days of lessons 1500 years apart, and it prepared them for the Glory!

“Tomorrow is a solemn rest, a holy #sabbath unto #yehovah.” Before #god wrote the fourth commandment with his finger at Sinai, He made sure Israel lived in obedience to the holiness of the Seventh Day which He established at Creation. “So the people rested on the seventh day.”

The disciples gathered on the first day of the week “for fear of the #jews.” The Sabbath never changed from Saturday to Sunday. “For I am Yehovah, I change not.”

Point of action: Make sure our traditions do not take the place of the very Word of God! The coming Glory of God in the last days will no longer tolerate this.

Image credit: #moses Speaks to Israel (19th-century engraving by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux)


#PENTECOST ???????: ??????? ????? + ?-???? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ???? ???????. Visit https://tfp.digital to learn more.

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Going from the Red Sea to Sinai and from the #resurrection to #PENTECOST is going from Glory to Glory. This is about #israel and the Disciple’s fifty days of lessons 1500 years apart, and it prepared them for the Glory!

Israel asked, “What is it?” It represents all the goodness the Father ever wanted to give to His people. Manna - food from heaven! “But man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.”
“And these words appeared as insanity in their eyes and they did not believe them.” This was the typical response after the resurrection. His aim is for us to not lean on our own understanding. He is waiting for us to be finished with our own way. Get ready for the mighty works of #god that will be new every morning just waiting for us to gather together.

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Image credit: Master of the Gathering of the Manna (fl. 1460 – 1480 ) by Jacob Clementsz


#pentecost SPECIAL: Free Website Audit + 1-page free preview of your next website.

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Going from the Red Sea to Sinai and from the #resurrection to Pentecost is going from Glory to Glory. This is about #israel and the Disciple’s fifty days of lessons 1500 years apart, and it prepared them for the Glory!

“Then Yehovah said to Moses, 'Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you'." Israel complained, but God was so gracious. He is always good. He told Moses, “I will let all of my goodness pass before you!” That’s the glory! "Behold the Glory of Yehovah appeared in the cloud!”

“Remember how he spoke to you when he was still in Galilee, saying that the Son of Man must be delivered up into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again. And they remembered his words…”

Do we have our way we think things should be and forget what HE HAS SAID? He is good! The world can be falling apart all around, but as for us – remember what He has said. At the Red Sea he said, “Behold the salvation of Yehovah.”

Point of action: Keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of Yeshua the Messiah.

Image credit: Rudolf von Ems (Austrian, ca.1254)


PENTECOST SPECIAL: Free website audit + 1-page preview of your new site!

??? ???? ?? ?????: Going from the Red Sea to Sinai and from the #resurrection to #pentecost is going from Glory to Glory. This is about #israel and the Disciple’s fifty days of lessons 1500 years apart, and it prepared them for the Glory!

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They were hungry! Do we understand what complaining, griping, worry, and fear are? THEY ALL represent unbelief. They take the glory away! We must stop blaming God! He is altogether good.

Yeshua said to Thomas, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Believe Him my friends, whether it is for food or for resurrection power from the Spirit.

????? ?? ??????: Get into the Scriptures and do not come out! Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Listen to Godly people! Block out all the things meant to distract us from what God has said. So turn off the TV and join me in submerging yourself into God’s Word, and see what he will reveal to you!

Image credit: The Israelites Gather Manna in the Wilderness. Illustration from the 1897 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us: Containing 400 Illustrations from the Old and New Testaments: With brief descriptions by Charles Foster


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